Player Name: Doregan Hitsugaya
Character Name: Doregan Uskae Hitsugaya
Position: Squad 11 Captain
Character Age(Appearance Age):27
Date of Birth: 11/23
Height: 6'1 ft.
Weight: 183 lbs.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White
Parentage: Toshiro Hitsugaya, Katsumi Shiooi
Siblings/Children: None
Sexuality: Women
Descriptive Markings: Wears the regular shihakusho, has bright white hair, and seems to have a necklace with a snowflake on it. Wears it rarely though.
Personality: Unlike his father, Doregan is really playful, and caring, yet very serious when things get...serious. A very wise shingami, Doregan is wise beyond his years, and some say that he sometimes has an old soul. The wisdom donsen't show up that often though. He is considered by many to become the next Captain Commander one day.
Character Strengths: He is loyal, kind hearted, and really trustworthy. His ability to tell what is wrong with somebody is legendary.
Character Weaknesses: Has a fondness for fig cookies, and
loves women.
Likes:Women, being kind, fighting, and commanding his
Dislikes:Rude people, and ants.
Favorite Food:Fig Cookies
Zanpakuto Name:Erienaisu (Alien Ice)
Sealed Description:The sword has a blue hilt with a blueish sliver blade, and a blue line running down the length of the blade.
Spirit Form Description:His Zanpakuto's spirit is actually a version of his fathers, except his is actually an alien from another world. i.e. Alien Ice. It's basically humanoid like, but can take the form of an ice dragon, similar to Toshiro's. Do not get it confused, though, only his zanpakuto's spirit can take the dragon form. And it's only about the length of Doregan's arm.
Shikai/Special Ability 1:
Blades of Hydro
Erienaisu melts and reforms as two blades. The first blade, Erienaisu, which when used, has a razor thin blade, and can extend and retract with water like qualities, similar to a water whip. The second sword, Ureinera (Erienaisu sister sword), is a regular zanpakuto with the ability to freeze and ice over anything it touches. If used on weak enemies, they can remain frozen, but it will only stop stronger enemies for a short while.
Doregan's speed does increase, as does a little of his stamina. Erienaisu and Ureinera combine together again, this time turning into vapor and reforming. They come back as a massive sword, completely out of ice. His reiatsu forms around him, coming back as physical armor, made of metal and ice. The effects of his Bankai grows his hair out and turns it blond. The reason why is really unknown.
Bankai Ability:
Doregan can make his reiatsu turn into ice, snow, rain, etc. and use any of it as a weapon. His bankai literally gives him control over all water and water like substances. His speed is increased, and he can also use his reiatsu to form an almost impenetrable shield, which automatically blocks any attacks, from any direction. There is a blind spot though, but the only person who found it landed one blow and died right after.

Bakudou: 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 39, 47, 88
Hado: 28, 35, 33, 2, 42
Path Specialty: Bakudou
Abilities/Special Training:
Idou Senkou - Flash Movement:
Basically, it is the same as flash step, accept you can move at greater speeds and still flash step, where as you have to concentrate, then flash step.
Air Walk:
The ability to walk in the air; it looks like flying, but it's just basically running around in the air like you would do on the ground.
Shunpo - Flash Step
Doregan spent six years in the shinigami academy, four for regular training, and another two for Captain/Lieutenant Training. After graduating, he spent time traveling around the world, posing as a human for most of the time being.
He was born in to the family of Toshiro Hitsugaya and Katsumi Shiooi. He was raised as a normal child, clueless of the job his father had as a Soul Reaper. For 13 years, he lived his life normal, going to school, hanging with friends, dating girls, and trying to get out of chores. He was a above average student, A's and B's straight through Elementary and into Middle. One day, when he was at home, his mother was almost killed by a hollow, who entered their home searching for the vast amount of reiatsu Toshiro was exerting. When Toshiro came out of his human form to fight him, that was the day Doregan found out his father was a Soul Reaper. Toshiro explained everything to Doregan, and decided since Doregan could see the Hollows, he might as well become a Soul Reaper. Or at least try.
The Soul Society recruited him, with permission from Toshiro, and he became, just like his father, the youngest soul reaper to reach the rank of Captain. During those six grueling years, Doregan gained the respect of his peers, graduating top of his class. He even made a few friends!
Theme Song: (Optional)
Roleplay Example:
*Shiooi notices something, and stops the Captain*
"Wait Tokisho! I have a question."
*Shiooi walks up to him and looks him in the eye*
"If one really did attack you, where are the wounds? Or scars? Only thing I see is a bump on your head when you faked that fall coming out of the garganta you created!"
"Wait Tokisho! I have a question."
*Shiooi walks up to him and looks him in the eye*
"If one really did attack you, where are the wounds? Or scars? Only thing I see is a bump on your head when you faked that fall coming out of the garganta you created!"
Forbidden Kido-Mastered
Forbidden Kido ~ Mastered
Bankin (Great seal)
This spell when activated a large spiritual fabric will appear above the target to wrap them up in This is known as the first song, if successful the affects are devastating. Metal bolts will be stabbed through the fabric with the target wrapped in it this is known as the second song, then a metal cube will appear above the target and smash into the target while it is immobilized and this is known as the third song..
Incantation: First Song: Halting Fabric (Shokyoku: Shiryū). Second Song: Hundred Linked Bolts (Nikyoku: Hyakurensan). Final Song: Great Seal of 10,000 Forbiddings (Shūkyoku: Bankin Taihō).
Heavenly Descent
The technique works by creating over a dozen pillars which are arranged by hand gestures, making them form a gigantic shield or door like barrier between the caster and the opponent. Theses pillars can also be used to crush opponents or make obstacules on the battle ground
Incantation: Shift of stone, release your veil, descend on the sun with wayward force and purge thy thought of heaven!
Koko no Jomon (The Gate of Tiger Fang)
This barrier appears out of nowhere and takes the shape of a watermill. It's inner section can be opened up like a set of fangs allowing one to attack through the barrier this barrier appeared to the right of the target. Incantation: Brethren-in-arms withdrawing for the distance of 8 sun and standing still; white bolt; sinking into the ocean together seeking redemption. Takes up 25% kido energy
Bankin (Great seal)
This spell when activated a large spiritual fabric will appear above the target to wrap them up in This is known as the first song, if successful the affects are devastating. Metal bolts will be stabbed through the fabric with the target wrapped in it this is known as the second song, then a metal cube will appear above the target and smash into the target while it is immobilized and this is known as the third song..
Incantation: First Song: Halting Fabric (Shokyoku: Shiryū). Second Song: Hundred Linked Bolts (Nikyoku: Hyakurensan). Final Song: Great Seal of 10,000 Forbiddings (Shūkyoku: Bankin Taihō).
Heavenly Descent
The technique works by creating over a dozen pillars which are arranged by hand gestures, making them form a gigantic shield or door like barrier between the caster and the opponent. Theses pillars can also be used to crush opponents or make obstacules on the battle ground
Incantation: Shift of stone, release your veil, descend on the sun with wayward force and purge thy thought of heaven!
Koko no Jomon (The Gate of Tiger Fang)
This barrier appears out of nowhere and takes the shape of a watermill. It's inner section can be opened up like a set of fangs allowing one to attack through the barrier this barrier appeared to the right of the target. Incantation: Brethren-in-arms withdrawing for the distance of 8 sun and standing still; white bolt; sinking into the ocean together seeking redemption. Takes up 25% kido energy