As Jack sighed, he turned his skeleton head back around...(another 360 move..he likes doing that apparently..) he again looked upon the dead girl, she stood stone still, looking off into space...her blue eyes become more and more clear. Suddenly, as if a wave of cold water and washed over the young skeleton, he lept up onto his feet and he started jumping up and down waving his arms all around the place like a loon. " HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! OMGGGGGGGGGG!! I JUST NOTICEEEEEEEEEDDD!! eek HER ..HER ..LOOK GRIM!!!! She's got tiny black WINGS and and and....LOOKIE THERE ARE DARK CIRCLES AROUND HER EYES..and and and and and -" Using his sythe like a baseball bat, Grim sent the hyperactive, loud-mouth Jack Bones flying through the air...making one hell of a home run. " Dats better. " He lowered his sythe and sighed. He too saw what Jack was talking about, the girl was chaing right before their very eyes...she had come into the LOTS wearing only a white dress, streaming with blood...but now, her dress was a dark red, black lines X'ed all over it..and shadows were forming around her blue eyes....and yes, along with everything else, on her back, two small black dragon wings sprouted from her back. "She has transformed fully. Her soul is now apart of the Tormented Souls. " Turning his head to the Spirit Detectives, he saw that Kuwabara ( the ugly idiot), was staring at her with his mouth WIDE open. " H-HOMGGGGGG!! " He belted out, his knees started to shake, turning his pale face to his pal Yusuke, he stammered on..and on.." U-Urameshi, did you just see - She was all- and now she's- what the f-"
"Shut up already." Hiei looked at the fool, shaking and stammering, and glared. "Stop whining fool, haven't you seen WORSE before? Your acting like an idiot. " Hiei's crimson eyes flickered back onto the girl's. There was something about her he could place his finger on, but still, she made something strange well up within him. Something warm. "Hn."
Kurama looked over and met Grim's gaze. " Grim, are we to see about the others, the other new arrivals?" Grim nodded his head in silence. Waving his hand over at Jack, he motioned for everyone to follow him. They headed back to the open field, where the other three bodies had emerged from their darkness, and lied still motionless on the ground.
As they walked away from the girl, who seemed to be facinated with the tree she was standing near, Hiei looked back at her and said the name that rattled over and over again in his brain. " Sakura." The girl's eyes widened, suddely, a voice rang within her ears.." SAKURA GET UP, ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL!"
Slowly, she mothed the word..."Sa-ku-ra...Sakura.."She blinked, feeling confused, she looked back at the boy who had said that name. He walked away with the others, but for some odd reason, his face felt hot.
Grim stood over the three figures, they didn't move, or make a sound. A gathering crowd stood around them, voices jabbering on and other people jumped up and down to get a good veiw..all in all, it was a madhouse.
"Why me..." Grim muttered to himself as he walked over to the bodies. He stopped first at the young warrior covered in blood..her face was pale, her eyes blank. Raising his sythe, Grim pointed it at her. " YOUNG SOUL AWAKEN! THE LORD OF DEATH COMMANDS YE!! " A ray of red shot from the reaper's blade and it struck the girl in the heart..or where the heart would have been if she was alive. Slowly, the girl opened her eyes, and in a flash she stood up, her body changed. Her warrior's garment was washed clean of the blood that had splattered it, and her eyes turned a vivid purple..( tell me what you'd rather...I guessed sweatdrop ...*shurgs*)
She glared down at her feet and grunted. " Damn my head hurts Damn it all..." Her fists clencted at her sides. Grim walked away from her and went over to the two bodies behind her. They were holding each other's hands...or so it seemed. The two Grim had walked over to were nothing but swirling mist..faceless bodies...only dark empty indents in their heads showed an signs of a something like that. " Poor souls..."Grim sighed. He once again rose his sythe into the air, instead of shouting, he whispered. He face dark and emotionless. " Two souls clung to death...two hearts bleed for death..and in the name of death ..these two have cut their own string of life...let the punishment commence.." But before his blade could do anything...a strange voice range in his ear. " GIVE US A SHRUBBERY!!! NIIIIIIIIII!!!!!"
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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Sakura lady of death
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