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All about me and what I think and feel anything and everything that I want to put in it.

Katana Kyoto
Community Member
old pal, big bro dark, and brian's desicion
my pal jason visited my new chat room yesterday. hadn't heard from him in a long time. he loves to act like a moron still, not much of a surprise though. but anyways he's been busy with real life issues poor guy. i kinda joked bout it and said man since when is life ever been easy? he got a kick outta that one.

in some ways he is like my big brother Dark. they are both morons, they love to tease people, they love to flirt, they both have a sense of humor, they both love to pick on me well they try anyway, oh and if those to ever meet jason and my brother dark i'll have to put up with 2 morons at once. -is thinking of how much fun that would be-

speaking of my big brother i haven't heard from him in some time... i asked his wife Emy bout him yesterday, apparently he is still very sick. i admit i'm kinda worried. Dark may not really be my sibling but it sure does feel like it.

i hope big brother gets better soon. I miss having someone to pick on, tease, and humiliate. for the record he does the same thing to me so don't u dare say i'm the only one that is evil.

talked to brian yesterday to check on him. he decided to divorce Jessica afterall. i asked him why he changed his mind and he said he couldn't be with someone he could not trust. asked what he was gonna do and he said he'd move on with his life. [once again blunt as always xP] he still has his programmer job which is good and he has his own apartment so at least now i don't have to worry to much bout him.

says tha girl who worries to much for her friends and is always doing whatever she can to make sure they are happy. [well almost anything. i'm not that stupid] i'd rather be honest and have them get mad at me then lie and they end up getting hurt alot worse.

hint! hint! hint! for anyone who bothers to read my journal and has done exactly that.