Vlad: *screams* get of u jerk werewolf
me: Vald give me ur sword plz
Jack: *grins* awww Angel plz u love me don't do this to me plz
me: Jack is that u???
Jack: what happen?? Where am I???
Vlad: Angel lets go and leave him here he is not ur soulmate I am
me: *runs and hugs Jack* omg u r back
Jack: *laughs* u foolish girl
me: what u talking about??? Jack??
Vlad: *runs* NOOOOOOOOOOOO Angel watch out
Jack: *puts a sword to ur neck*
me: *screams* oh god JACK
Vlad: let her go NOW
Jack: Can't do that *bites on ur neck*
me; *screams* that hurts
Jack: *smiles and has blood on his mouth* Vlad what r u going to do about it my pack is here...
*pack walks out of the trees*
Vlad: *looks down* let her go Jack NOW
To be contine
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