Today I went on another site and made a friend and made them join gaia and since they like purple I made them this tektek

I WENT TO THE FAIR!!!!!!! I seen everyone! Amanda, Dylan, Conner, Estabon, Giovanna, JERALYN!!!! b***h YOU DIDN'T GO ON NO RIDES WIT MEH D:< I went on this roller coaster called the ball of fire(where I seen her >> ]:< ) and we were upsided down and the blood rushed to my head xD and kept going in loops then I met up with my friends and we went on this spinny ride that goes side to side really high in the air and it was so much fun and then we went to the faris wheel where everyone was starting to talk about relationships and then Conner was like looking at me and Estabon talking and was like "you should go out" and I was like "no thanks" then Giovanna was like "Yeah I can picture you more with Dylan" and we just looked at her and each other and she was saying "your not denying it" and I was like "we've been friends to long. wouldn't be right" They don't know about Zack but I was saying no because my hearts for him. Dylan, Conner, and Estabon were all high before we got there so I think I got a little from there sent. It was so colorful and fun. But I wasn't high. Anyway.. Fun fun fun.
Wuv Chan · Sun Apr 11, 2010 @ 06:16am · 0 Comments |