Physical Description:She has brown hair to the middle of her back, blue- green eyes, average height, slim and fair skin. She is an archer who loves nature.
Clothing Description:A dress with markings like that of her tattoo. Slits on the side allow her to move easily. For more clothing info look at the picture at the very bottom.
Brief Background:She was born in a log cabin in the middle of the forest. Her father left her and her mother and her mother died shortly after giving birth to her. A young man, Tyto, happened to find her in the cabin and raised her out in the forest. Keridwen grew to love nature and the animals around her. Tyto taught her how to use a bow and arrow and she practiced everyday. One day Tyto went missing and Keridwen is determined to find him. She has a friend named Alba and she is a barn owl. Keridwen uses her skills and knowledge to keep her alive while she travels far and wide searching.
Bow and arrows:
 Made of wood. Simple in design.. The arrows have feathers on the end and an arrowhead for the tip.
Pose ideas:Possibly in this pose, or this pose, or this one, err.. another, yet another?
References!! Yay!:
 Art by me.
 Art by Meep- Raiku. <3
 Art by me.
 Art by MeiXian.
Other random info (might be repetitive though): BIRTHDAY: unknown BIRTHHOUR: unknown BIRTHPLACE: in a log cabin in the forest PERSONALITY:Bright and cheery... quiet, calm and compassionate about what she loves. She can also be really serious when she needs to. RESIDES: in the forest. PARENTS: unknown SIBLINGS: none. HOBBIES: archery, taking care of animals, practicing herbal medicines and looking for Tyto. INTERESTS: archery, animals, the forest.. nature SKILLS: She is a skilled archer and can silently kill when she needs to eat or when she has to fight. FAVORITE FOODS: berries, nuts, herbs, fruits and vegetables. HATED FOODS: She doesn't like eating meat a lot but she has to once in a while to keep up her energy. FAVORITE SINGERS:All the voices of nature (birds, frogs etc..) FAVORITE BANDS:N/A FINANCIAL RANK: none. She lives off the land and keeps balance with the world, not leaving a trace.. SOCIAL RANK: normal but she is very quite and mostly speaks to her owl friend Alba or her human friend/teacher Tyto. REACTION TO NEAR DEATH SITUATIONS: very calm. She keeps cool and usually finds a way to avoid these situations. REACTION TO ROMANTIC SITUATIONS: confused. She doesn't realize when someone likes her. She has only met one man in her life. REACTION TO MEETING NEW PEOPLE: shocked and surprised.. almost angry.. She likes animals and Tyto better. FAMILY BACKGROUND: Before she was born her father left her and her mother. Her mother died when Keridwen was born. PERSONAL BACKGROUND: She was born in a log cabin in the middle of the forest. Her father left her and her mother, her mother died shortly after giving birth to her. A young man, Tyto, happened to find her in the cabin and raised her out in the forest. Keridwen grew to love nature and the animals around her. Tyto taught her how to use a bow and arrow and she practiced everyday. One day Tyto went missing and Keridwen is determined to find him. She has a friend named Alba and she is a barn owl. Keridwen uses her skills and knowledge to keep her alive while she travels far and wide searching. She has green hair to the middle of her back, blue- green eyes, average height, slim and fair skin. She wears a simple white dress (like a nightgown almost) that goes to her knees. She doesn't wear any shoes. POWERS: a skilled archer HOW DOES THE POWER WORK: bow and arrows are handmade with wood, feathers and arrowheads. She waits quietly in a tree then strikes. INTERESTING FACTS: Tyto is Greek for "owl" and Alba is Latin for "white". Story behind Keridwen in Celtic Mythology. I actually came up with her name from the book "The Crystal Cave." It is about Arthur and Merlin and Keridwen is the woman that tricks Merlin, Merlin was also in love with her.
Sorreltail · Tue Apr 06, 2010 @ 04:00am · 0 Comments |