
The holiday that normally scares me, didn't this year.
I was asked out, on this day of all days.
That's never happened to me before, and I have to say it's cute!
It certainly made my day.
heart heart heart
The sad part is that he's a senior, and this is his last year of high school.
Then there's the fact that I may move back to Texas...
God knows when that'll happen.
- sniffle -
We have the rest of this year anyway.
In other news, my friend is out of the hospital.
Finally!! She's home!
It's been a nice Tuesday.
The bad news?
I have the song "La Tortura" stuck in my head.
Baaaaaad thing.
It's not that I don't like the song. I love it actually.
But it's not fun to have it stuck in your head when it's in Spanish.
And hard to sing along to...
But anyway...
Happy Valentine's Day!!