Whale Island's Flank is a foggy area with many poison patches on the ground.
You will need to bring a hefty suply of Neutralizers if you want to get rid of
them, but you can just as easily walk around them without inflicting poison
upon yourself.
If you make your way up the first incline you will find a few spots where you
can grow crops, but not much else. Heading up the second incline will take you
to an area with several poisoned patches of ground and a monster gate that
will spawn a scorpion, which is easily avoidable. Walk around (or Neutralize)
the poisoned areas and head up the next incline. From here head west to find
a large rock that should have some sparkling around it. Use your hammer on
this rock to open up the shortcut from the Cave Surface. After doing this,
head back east past the Hobgoblin that spawns and descend the next incline.
Be wary of even more poison patches down here as you make you way around them,
avoiding the scorpions and fish that will appear. Once you clear the poison,
again descend the next incline to the south. Here head east and go up the
next hill, again avoid the poison patches, go up yet another hill, and then
head east to an open space where four fishes will appear. Head east past them
to reach the next area: the Tail Tree.
There are 4 different types of monsters that will appear on the Flank:
Hobgoblins, Scorpions, Fish, and Mini Golem. There is only one spot for the
Hobgoblin and Mini Golem each, so your main opponents will be the scorpions
and fish. The Mini Golem is also guarding two treasure chests in the southwest
corner of the area.
Whale Island - Tail Tree:
The Island's Tail Tree is exactly what it sounds like: a gigantic tree located
on the Whale's tail. The first time you enter the area Raguna will stop to
marvel at the gigantic gathering of Runes that exists atop the tree. This
gigantic Rune is actually what is keeping the Island afloat, and when Raguna
notices it shrinking, he knows how urgent his mission is.
To get through the Tail Tree area you will have to climb the tree. In order to
do this simply climb the giant root that touches the ground near the entrance.
Be watchful as you ascend, however, as the tree will drop a gigantic fruit
that will roll down the same root you are climbing. There are several branches
and side steps where you can take solace from the rumbling fruit, but be
cautious not to go too far out on these paths, as they are steep slopes that
will drag you back down to a lower part of the tree, a la Chutes & Ladders.
As you climb the tree you will face two different types of monsters: Mantics
and Beetles. The Mantics are the more troublesome of the two, as they possess
both a long range, wind-based attack and a counterattack manouevre. Beetles
are straightforward enemies that will hurt when they connect, but are fairly
easy to avoid. If you descend down the root at the back side of the tree you
will come to an area containing a tresure chest, two mining rocks, and a Gate
that will spawn Fairy monsters. This is a good, early place to start
collecting Fairy Dust, as it is used in many excellent recipes and is fairly
rare to come by.
After you have climber the tree there will be a stone path leading off to the
west, take this path to reach the next area. If you continue up the branch
to where the giant fruit first falls you will find another treasure chest.
Whale Island - Drain:
Whale Island's Drain is, as I'm sure you could have guessed, packed with
water-based monsters. The exceptions ot this are the fairies near the entrance
and the Unicos near the exit. There are only 4 types of monsters in this area,
including the Fairies and Unicos, but the other two types (Tortas and Sealy)
are much more numerous.
To navigate the Drain run west past two Gates, one that will spawn a Fairy and
one that will spawn a Tortas and a Fairy, and you will come to what seems like
a dead end. From here head north, there is a staircase there that is difficult
to see until you are running down it. At the bottom will be several drainpipes
that will shoot jets of water at you that will cause damage, so be wary. The
Sealy and Tortas monsters that will appear around here will also shoot these
water jets at you. Make your way east and then north again to get past them
and head north up another set of stairs.
Up here you will need to head west until you reach the end of the path and
then head south, past more Sealy and Tortas spawns, and then west again once
the path presents itself. Here you will move onto a grassy area rather than
the stone pathways of the rest of the Drain, and you will find Unico monsters.
Head southwest past the first Unico spawn and head north into the door past
the next 2 Unicos that appear to enter the Tower of Birth.
While you are in the Drain you may want to defeat many Tortas monsters, as
they are the only ones in the game that drop the Tortoise Shell item used in
several weapon and accessory recipes.
Whale Island - Towers and Floating Chamber:
You will enter the Tower of Birth from the Island's Drain and will have to
make your way past several Fausts and Necros, both reaper-style monsters, in
order to get to the top of the tower and ascend to the Floating Chamber. The
Floating Chamber is a large, grassy area of tower tops connected by stone
walkways. Some of the tower tops will have open doorways, while the rest will
have rubble blocking them. All of the towers are essentially equal. They will
all have the same layout, but different groups of monsters.
The first thing you will want to do when you reach the Floating Chamber is run
directly north and descend into the Tower of Life. Avoid the High Orcs, High
Orc Archers, and Gigantes, or defeat them, at your leisure. At the bottom of
the tower on the west side will be a broken staircase with a rope coiled up
nearby. Lower the rope and you have now created a shortcut to the Tower of
Life from the Cave Surface earlier in the dungeon.
After you have created this chortcut you can get back to the Tower of Life
upon entering Whale Island rather than having to fight your way through the
entirety of the Island. Back on the Floating Chamber head over two bridges
to the south and then head west and back north. Eventually you will find a
staircase leading up to a locked and gated tower that cannot be entered yet.
To open this tower you will have to head back down the stairs and then run
north over the bridge to the tower top where two Minotaur Kings and a High Orc
Archer will appear. Avoid them or defeat them and then descend into the Tower
of Glory.
In the Tower of Glory you will face off against several Blood Panthers and
Hardes. On the second level of the tower, all the way to the east, you will
have to break several boxes (easily done with any weapon) and toggle the
switch that you will find behind them. After this, head back up to the
Floating Chamber and head back to the previously locked tower. The gate will
still be down, but will open for you as you run up to it. Enter to find the
boss of Whale Island and the monster that the Whale has asked you to punish
for him.
In order to marry Selphy you will have to fight your way up to about level 30,
which should not be difficult, you will need to be at least that high to get
through the Lava Ruins. Once you get Selphy to about 8 LP she will lead you
somewhere where you will need to fight a monster, again, nothing too difficult
by the time you get someone, anyone to 8 or higher LP.
Appears: The day after Lara appears
Birthday: Autumn 3
Favorite Gift: Sandwich
Other Goodies: Onigiri, Hot Rice Ball
Hated Gifts: Jewels
Bonus LP: Read new books from the shelves
Constellation: Corona Borealis (12am Spring nights)
Bath Event: 4pm Fridays, 11pm every other day
From the entrance to the Ruins head north to the room where 3 Ants and a
Killer Ant will appear. From here head east down the stairs to where two more
Killer Ants will spawn near a door. Head through the door to unlock the
shortcut stairs. Now head back to the room at the beginning and hit the bomb-
on-a-pedestal near the pile of rubble to clear your way. Once you activate the
bomb, put some distance between i and yourself as explosions tend to hurt.
Once the rubble is clear head north into another room where 2 Ants and 2
Killer Ants will appear. Head out the northeast exit from here and go around
the hole in the ground to reach a spot where a Gate will spawn a Ghost. Head
north through the open doorway to find a room with some mining rocks and a
Gate that will spawn 2 Killer Ants and a Ghost for your cutting pleasure.
Head west from here to reach a room with 1 Gate that will spawn 4 Ghosts. Hit
the bomb near the Gate to dispatch with it quickly while you avoid the Ghosts'
attacks. Once they are out of your way, head through the door to the north and
down the stairs to B2F.
Lava Ruins B2F:
From the staircase head west to find a room where 2 Furpies will spawn. From
this room go south to a room with some farmable soil and a Gate that will send
2 Ducks at you. Exit this area to the southwest, go up the stairs, through the
door, and go immediately south to continue.
Over the bridge there will be a Gate spawning 2 Mini Golems, who have a lot of
HP for this area and two separate projectile attacks. Head east from here to
escape them and continue on. In the open area head northeast around the rubble
and then back south. When you get back to the path ignore the southern way and
head east and then south to open up the shortcut. Head back out of the
shortcut and go east again to find yourself in a large room.
Head north in this room throguh the door to find a couple of crates and the
stairs leading down to B3F.
Lava Ruins B3F:
From the stairs from B2F head north a bit, then west down a long flight of
stairs. A Mini Golem and an Ignis will spawn at the bottom of the stairs, so
deal with them as you see fit and then head south to find a bomb. Hit the bomb
and clear away as you wait for it to explode, clearing the way for you to
After heading east through the bomb-cleared path two Mini Golems will spawn.
Head south and then east up another logn staircase where two Ignis and a Mini
Golem will appear. In the room atop the stairs head east and then south around
the rubble to find a Gate with a Little Emperor and an Ignis. South of these
two is the shortcut staircase, but no door to unlock here. Head west down yet
another long staircase to continue.
At the bottom of the staircase will be a room with 2 Mini Golems and a
Scorpion. Ignore them and take the immediate door to the west. Head south,
west around the wall, and north to find a Gate with a Little Emperor and a
Mini Golem, head through the door to the west to continue.
In this room hit the bomb to the north and clear away. Once it explodes head
through the newly opened doorway to the northeast. Head north past the bomb
and rubble and then west up a long staircase with two Little Emperors awaiting
you at the top. Head nroth from here past the Gate spawning two more Little
Emperors to find a Bomb Launching Pad and a Gate atop another staircase that
will send a Hammer Troll after you.
Head east down the stairs past this Troll to find yet another Hammer Troll
awaiting you at the bottom. Head north past this one and its Gate to find the
stairs leading you down to B4F.
Lava Ruins B4F:
From the stairs from B3F hit the Bomb Launcher with your Hammer to send a bomb
flying at the rubble to your south to clear it from your path. Head south down
the stairs to find two Hammer Trolls awaiting your arrival. Head west past the
Gate that spawned them to get to a room with several soil plots in it. Head to
the southwest corner of this room to go on.
Head south through this exit and down the path to find a Gate that will spawn
two Summers. Head west from this Gate and then south past the mining rocks to
reach a Gate with two Hammer Trolls and a Bomb Launcher. Head east from here
to reach another Gate that will spawn two Summers. From there run around the
rubble piles to the east to find two Buffaloos waiting for you. Past them to
the east is another Bomb Launcher. Hit the lever with your hammer to send the
bomb flying north to clear soem rubble that you cannot even get to yet. Head
south from here to unlock the shortcut.
From the shortcut head north to the Bomb Launcher and then west past the
Buffaloos and rubble and then head north up the stairs. Atop the stairs is a
bomb, hti it and retreat a bit to avoid the blast. Once the way is clear head
up and rotate the Bomb Launcher that you will find 3 times so that it will
launch its load to the east. You can either avoid the Minotaur that will
appear there or defeat it, but it will most likely just shout at you while you
work on the Launcher. Once you have the Launcher properly aligned, hit the
lever with your hammer to clear the rubble at the bottom of the stairs to the
east. Head down these stairs to continue.
In this room will be a few farmable soil patches and 2 Hammer Trolls waiting
near their Gate. Head north past them up the narrow path to find a Gate that
will spawn 2 Summers. Deal with the Summers and their Gate, as it will block
your path otherwise, and continue north up the stairs. Once you are back to
the north you will notice a large boulder with a heap of dirt in front of it.
Break out your Hoe and use it on the dirt in front of the boulder to send it
rolling down the stairs south of it. Follow the boulder south, but be careful
not to get in front of it or it will severely damage you.
South down the path at the bottom of the stairs will be a room with two
Buffaloos and the stairs that will take you to B5F
Lava Ruins B5F:
From the stairs from B4F head north and use yoru Hoe on the dirt in front of
another boulder and follow it down the stairs to the west as it bowls over two
Weagles and their Gate. In the room at the bottom of those stairs will be a
Gate that will spawn two Dark Slimes and a Bomb Launcher. Rotate the Launcher
so that it will lanch its load south and hit the lever with your Hammer to
clear the rubble at the bottom of the stairs. Head south down those stairs to
In the room at the bottom of the stairs will be 3 paths. The south path is
blocked for now, and the east path leads to a room chock full of monsters and
no real progress anyhow, so head west down the stairs to come to a room with
two Gates that will spawn two monsters each: Minotaurs and Weagles. Head south
past the Weagles to descend a shrot staircase and head onto a platform with a
Gate and two Minotaurs. Atop the stairs to the east is a boulder with a dirt
pile, so clear the dirt and then cleart the way as the boulder destroys the
Gate and probably the two Minotaurs with it. Head east up the stairs to find
a room with a Gate that will spawn two Dark Slimes and contains rubble
blocking the south exit. You will notice that the north exit is also blocked
by rubble, but there is a boulder with a dirt mound behind said rubble. We
need to get up there, so head east again for now.
Up the stairs to the east will be another Gate spawning two Dark Slimes. Head
south from here to open up the shortcut to B5F and then head back north past
the mining rocks and go west. You will now be in the room with that boulder
we saw moments ago. Get rid of the dirt pile with your Hoe and follow the
boulder all the way south to the stairs leading to B6F.
Lava Ruins B6F:
B6F is the floor of the Lava Ruins containing the dungeon's boss. The stairs
from B5F will leave you in a large room with 3 mining rocks, the first place
in the game where you can find Gold, a good amount of farmable soil, and a
pool that is excellent for fishing. The boss chamber is again to the north;
if you feel prepared, have at it.
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Meet Rupert.
He likes to eat small children.