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Lion Furry:
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Name: Sin
Age: 19
Race: Half breed, Elf-Demon
Class: Traveler, Archer
Physical Appearance: Standing at 5'6", tan skin, slim body with curves. (Meaning she pops out nicely in the right places but not big/fat at all.) Strong legs, toned arms, ears stick out 2" to a point, full lips, thin eyebrows well shaped , small slender nose, light coral eyes, long crimson flowing hair. Small onyx hornson on the top of the head aligned with the ear. Thin onyx "devil" tail coming on the lower back above the butt. Tribal wolf tattoo on her left forearm to show she belong to the wolf clan.
Outfit: Tight scarlet bodice with silver swirls, charcoal leather collar with silver studs, loin cloth style scarlet skirt with small silver shorts underneath, knee high scarlet boots with silver laces, with silver gloves and silver earrings.
Personality: Appears shy, is actually quite friendly and generous, wouldn't harm a fly unless provoked, confident, rarely gets angry, sometimes flaky, fun, caring, unique, but has her secrets.
History: Mother was an elf maiden, father was a captain in the Demon army, orphaned after birth Sin was raised by a widowed elf farmer. Left home when she was 18 to travel the world.

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