Name ● Yinzo Yanami
Sex ● Male
Age ● 1
Personality ● Product number 1027.Created in a laboratory, Yinzo is half human and half robot mix. This is his first year alive, and he has been sent out into the world for testing. Yinzo is very nice and sometimes almost too outgoing. He wants to meet everyone. He is going through major mood swings because he isn't fully tested. Sometimes the slightest thing can set him off and he gets very angry or depressed. He doesn't know manners yet, and barely knows how to bring food from the plate to his mouth. Walking was an amazing accomplishment Yinzo made recently, although he hasn't perfected it yet, and running is out of the question.
He in no way resembles a robot, aside from his eyes. His skin is perfect and smooth, with no bolts. You would only see the mechanics if you were to cut him open. His age says 1, but he appears to be 15 or 16.
Hair ● Red and Black. His hair is mainly black, but has a gradient red on the tips. His front bangs grow long. The back is spiked and short.
Eyes ● Large, childlike, Yinzo's eyes are quite unique. The pupils are red, and his iris is black with a white circle. They almost look like a target. He has red eyelashes and black eyeliner that spikes out on the corner of his eyes. He has a piercing on his eyebrow and lip, as well as three on one ear and four on the other. There are several red markings across his pale white body
Skintone ● pale white
Height ● 5ft6
Physique ● Though small, he has a well toned body, and will develop into a fairly strong build with age.
Style ● Yinzo has a white and black vest on, with a white fur collar. The vest has markings on it. Underneath, he has on a tight latex red and black shirt with holes in it. He has bands on his upper arms. Yinzo is wearing a pair of cargo pants that has a red stripe near the bottom. A lot of chains hang off of the pants, he also has a chain bracelet. He is wearing heavy black boots with red buckles.
Yinzo carried around a very large, very thick sword. It has the same designs on it as his body , as well as his clothes. He doesn't use it much now, but once he gets older he changes into a killing machine.
Details ● Yinzo, unlike Ton, smiles a lot. He can feel every emotion, and tries to express them as often as possible. Since he is new to the human world, he is just learning how to do things. If you want you are most welcome to draw him confused and fumbling around with everyday objects. Although he is supposedly friendly, he is a government test, and is more then capable of killing, if he hasn't already. If you choose to draw him older, feel free to add blood.
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