Name: Kiri Hikari (lit. a light in the mist)
Height: 4' 11.5"
Weight: unclear, but seems to weigh hardly anything at all.
Age: Appears roughly 15-16, is actually somewhere over 500 years old
Species: Vitarian, a rare race of beings with flower or plant-like abilities.
Classification: Rogue, specialized in close combat.
Personality: On his own, Kiri is a very kind person and will often help others and makes friends easily. However, when put into a battle situation he completely reverses his personality, becoming cold and serious and would even fight his closest friend if he had no other choice. He is not without mercy however, and some opponents have foolishly tried to take advantage of this, usually resulting in the loss of a limb or their life as he finds it dishonorable to attack when you have surrendered. He also has an obsession with books and is often seen reading one, sometimes even just before a battle. If he likes the book enough and he doesn't think his opponent will be too tough, he'll even continue to read it during a fight.
He is able to make countless petals and can control them with his will. They can be used as either a distraction or can be sharp enough to slice through solid stone, making them as deadly as they are beautiful.
Power 2:
He can solidify these petals into weapons at will and can control the weapons the same way, but not quite as effectively and prefers to use them as they were meant to be than to try and control them from a distance. When they solidify, they become some sort of crystal-like substance that takes on a violet hue, making even the cruelest looking blade appear beautiful.
Power 3:
He is also capable of voluntarily dissipating into countless petals and then can reform in a more advantageous spot and even only partially reform as well.
Power etc: Scattering and reforming at will takes more effort than doing so instinctively upon being hit and can sometimes leave him out of breath for a few minutes.
Weapon of choice: His preferred weapon to use is a large scythe that he creates. For him it weighs very little, but it is virtually un-liftable by anyone other than him.
Inventory: In addition to the scythe, other weapons he tends to create often are a pair of daggers, a pair of bladed hand-fans, and a ring-blade. The daggers are fairly ordinary in appearance, but because of his ability to control them, they can double as thrown weapons that can return to him like a boomerang. The hand-fans are the most versatile as they can be an effective defense or offense in how they are used, he has even been seen using them as projectile weapons as well. The ring-blade is a little larger than a hula-hoop in size, but with three curved blades placed along the outer edge at precisely the same distance from each other. It is a very versatile weapon as well due to its shape, but he rarely throws it as a projectile as it is too large to truly be effective.
Combat Style: He excels at close range and hand-to-hand combat and utilizes a rare martial arts style known as the Shinigami battle arts. There are seven stances in total, but only three have been seen used by him so far, that stance of sin, the stance of death, and the stance of pain. The stance of sin focuses on pressure points and causing internal damage or paralyzing the body. The stance of death focuses on kicks and neck strikes, as if the user is trying to behead his opponent. The stance of pain focuses on throws, kicks and on causing as much pain as possible with even a single strike, making it the most powerful of the three, but is only used as a last resort.
Special attributes: As a Vitarian, Kiri is able to communicate with plants. He also has an odd affinity to the shadows and some believe he is capable of traveling through them. This is untrue, however, he is simply very good at hiding within shadows and moving silently. He has also trained as an assassin and is not afraid to kill his opponent if that's what it takes to win, but he will show mercy if they truly cannot defend themselves.
Special abilities not pertaining to powers: Vitarians all share similar traits, among these is an incredible regenerative ability that allows them to scatter into petals upon being struck by a potentially fatal or very painful attack and then reform completely unharmed. They are also able to 'bloom' once each year to keep from aging past a certain point, over time this becomes a habit and will occur almost immediately when the set day arrives. It is said to be breathtaking to watch. Vitarians also all have some degree of super strength and Kiri is capable of lifting an average sized boulder with little effort, anything more than that, however is too much.
Strengths: Close combat, high stamina and resiliency, very quick and agile. As a Vitarian, he gains a sort of power-boost when surrounded by plants or water.
Weaknesses: Distanced combat, magic attacks can disrupt his reforming or even delay it depending on the spell, fire-based attacks are especially problematic as well as any place without little to no plant-life.
Bio/background: Kiri is one of the three surviving Vitarians, the other two being his sister and murderously psychotic half-brother. The Vitarians were once a very wide-spread people who lived unseen alongside elves and humans alike, anywhere that plants grew or flourished. Kiri and his half-brother had never quite seen eye-to-eye, but they usually put up with each other to say the least. As a part of their culture, Kiri and his half-brother were sent out into the forests to see if they could survive on their own for a certain number of days when they both turned 15. Kiri and his half-brother started out working together, but their differences proved too much and they went their separate ways. Kiri excelled on his own, easily finding food and water and was able to survive fairly comfortably, his half-brother barely managed to get by and was miserable and angry during their time out in the forests. He eventually lost his mind due to being alone and miserable and began killing anything that did so much as be near him, including plants. When the time period was up, their clan found them at their respective locations and took them back to their main village. No one really paid attention to the site Kiri's half-brother was found at nor did they notice any difference in his behavior. It wasn't until Kiri was given the honor of being called an adult and his half-brother not that he completely snapped, killing anyone he could see. Kiri knew there was little point in trying to fight him and immediately went to find his sister and get her to safety out of the forests. His half-brother managed to trap everyone in the forests and then set fire to it, killing everyone. Kiri has now been trying to make his way in the world to one day have the money for the resources to track down and kill his half-brother.
Other:He can only control the petals up to a certain distance, after that they either fall apart or become ordinary petals. The distance is somewhere between 3-5 meters. And most of his weaknesses are situational. As for the fact that he can create weapons, possibly including long-range weapons, as in a bow, he refuses to create such weapons as he finds them too risky to accurately hit his opponent. The petals are mainly used for the weapon creation, and when controlling them as petals he tends to use them as a protective cloud more than as something to fire out from himself. The magics that would disrupt him are probably lightning or spirit energy. Since he's technically not human, but a Vitarian, their metabolism is very different from a human's, they usually only need one meal a week in order to survive. Being away from plant-life will weaken him to some extent, finding the right balance between the two is tricky so his strength often varies. This strength isn't tied to his actual physical strength, but his ability to control the petals on their own, the distance doesn't change, but their effectiveness does. More plant life, more petals, less plant life, less petals and they may shrivel up and turn to dust if there's none at all and a lot of fire.