Oh there's that obnoxious bell. Well, i'll wait a little till the mass group of people leave. My god the stairs are like black-friday without the dying pregnant ladies. Walking through the nearly empty hall way, i picked up a conversation. Something about a new kid? Sophmore class? Like I care. Just another person to dislike me. I had lunch so i snailed my way into the cafeteria.
"NEKO!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I turned my head to notice my great friend, okami, waving out to me. My name..or..nickname would be Neko. See, my real name is Jasmine. So horrible right? The nickname Neko has a story. Neko means Cat in japanese. I'm much like a cat, as i'm told. Always tired, "adorable" and so on-so forth. I took a seat next to Brina and relaxed. Ahh, finally some place where i can think on my own. I got myself a salad, soup and sides and sat down. After lunch was chorus. No details on that, just a bunch of singing. Whoo. The bell rand and the mass of people made me late! I bolted up two flights of stairs and when i opened the heavy door i ran into a warm and fit body. My mind went blank for a second, those little cartoon birds should be flying around my head by now. After they flew away i looked up at the hand reached out to me. It was tan, and big. I travled my look up the arm and locked onto the worried and lost eyes of a GORGEOUS boy. Who was this GUY? I took his hand and got up, apologizing.
"It's okay..."His voice was so smooth and relaxing "Can you help me to room 203?" I took my eyes off him, to his schedual. room...203? That's my next class.
"Yeah. I'm on my way there now.."I let go of his hand. His expression was so cute. He carried a light blush on his tan cheeks. "Follow me. Oh, i'm jasmine."
"I'm Ricardo..." He grinned. Wow...That was the greatest smile ever. Fangs. I saw natural fangs! Ahh god. "You may call me Rikki."I gave a shy yet welcoming smile, this was the new sophmore?
I took him into the accelerated science. I'm the only freshman cause i'm like..Super brain woman. Mr. Dreisbach took him away from me and sat him next to the oh-so-popular Zach Knoll. Girls stared at him and tried to make their move but Rikki stayed calm and shrugged them off. Hard-to-get? Hot. I like him already. After a BORING lesson of science, the bell rung and Rikki walked towards me.
"Oh miss tour guide Jasmine. Would you help me?" I took his schedual and tried to hide my utter excitement. Almost all his classes were with me!
"Of course, mister new kid rikki." I giggled and he smiled. I love that smile of his...
"You're really nice... I think we are going to be great friends." I blushed at that sentence due to the fact that he was hinting on wanting to be friends. We walked down the hall and my god! We talked about so many things. He was from Tennesse. And he has so many things in common with me. Like...there are pages. I turned to him because i needed to ask him something.
"Want to hang out?" I said at the same time he said "Want to come by my place after school?" We locked eyes in amazement and laughed. My god...I had to get to know him. I smiled, he smiled and we walked into class.