Oh Ittosai heart *Swoons* Why is it that the best guy in Otome games (Girls dateing sims)...

Are the Crazy murderous ones?

I don't care his ending was so sweet to me that I was planing to fav it on youtube xD yea Im a little excessive...but Im a sucker for anime romance. Well Im almost complete with this game so if anyone can recommend another Otome game please tell me! whee
-sigh- the reason you see a lot of my jornals talk about love is becuase of these games. I just feel it from the screen to my heart and I just want that feeling. Its just so hard to describe, Ive had it only once and that was in a dream. He looked at me with such pierceing eyes...it took my breath away. Of course who was the guy? An anime one of course... in this way I have lost touch of my humanity and icosolated myself from real guys. I know Im doing this to an extent though so I still might be able to change...night ppl I gotta do hw I didn't do becuase I was swept off my feet by Ittosai. x3
The guy in the dream was Hiei from Yu yu Hakusho...I told you the best ones are crazy xD
If anyone, or I should say whoever reads this, in anyway feels the same way I do please tell me! Id like to know Im not alone in the way these games make me feel. Josie I know you agreeded with me to an extent, so far your the only one.