pretties for H A R M O N Y~

MUSIC: -is the heart's t r u e ~ {home} Hey guys. I'm kind of shot, so I'm not going to be RPing today. In fact, once I've finished this formatting crap I'll probably head off to bed or to go goof off on YouTube or something. I dunno. I had a really stressful doctor's appointment this morning. You know, it says something about my generation that, when I say no to the questions "do you drink/smoke/do drugs/have unprotected sex", I have to be assured that no, my dad will not be informed if I answer honestly, and that I can relax and tell the truth. It was like the doctor was expecting me to have done these things. I really, really haven't. D: I've never had /any/ kind of sex (not entirely for lack of trying... let's not get into that), never touched any illegal substance (though I have seen weed xD), have had all of a sip of beer from my opa's mug and I'm scared to death of the results of smoking. I'm a rara avis, I suppose. Bah! Anyway. I then had lunch at White Castles (which is my guilty food-pleasure, ngl), and headed over to a nearby college with my bassoon teacher and a fellow student of hers (as a note, for those who asked, I found out that my teacher only has three students), with my /alto/ sax of all instruments to an Improv Workshop, which was so much fun! Totally made up for my crappy doctor's appointment. We improvised in quartets, at one point; I was in one with my bassoon teacher on bassoon, me on alto, a really, really cute college student on violin (I seriously wanted to hug her very badly *_*) and the other bassoon student also on alto. She didn't play, though. She's scared of improvising. But the rest of us went nuts! I'm hella dorky, though. Before we got up to play, I said to my teacher "Yo, B, lay down the funk for me." And she laughed at me, of course. That was perhaps the goofiest thing I've ever said. But she caught my drift and laid down this /sweet/ beat over which I did this jazzy solo thing and then joined her beat all quiet-like for the violinist to solo over. Then we switched up our quartets and I ended up with THREE oboists. That was interesting. One of them played in an ensemble with my teacher, so he kind of liked me right off the bat, it seemed. They all decided that I should kick it off, since I was the only alto. It had an interesting sound, kind of fluctuating between jazzy (where I was more prominent) and classical (where I laid down the beat). Oh man. It was so much fun. <3 I want to get back into playing my alto again, thanks to this. I have to find a group of people to jam with more often. xD
{& m y p i a n o i s m y p a r a m o r e}