When you are going to sell an item, you always look at the Lowest Buy Now Prices, circled in red up above. Try and go 50-200 gold below that current price. Also, you want to sell it after the price has gone up a bit, so you can get more gold.
Choosing how to sell the item is important too. When choosing how it is going to be sold, make sure that if you are trying to reach a goal, you have enough time to wait for the item to sell in the way you want it to. If you are going to Auction [added in blue text], set it for however many days you have to wait. Then, whenever the item expires, whoever has the highest bet gets the item, and you get more gold!
If you are going to Buy Only [in black text], then set the item the same as when you set it to Auction Only. Now, if you an unlimited amount of time, set it for fourteen days. This enables more time for possible consumers to look at your item and consider buying it.
If you are going to set the item for Both Bid and Buy [added in green text], set it for however many days you have. Or, if you have unlimited time, set it for 14 days.