Ya know that concert thing that was last night [see title] and i said i was going to? Right, well, i went, and it was EPIC! I got there a little after 5, so we hadda wait 35 minutes or so before they opened the doors [at six], and we were all in lines and stuff. So i was looking around, and there were millions of goths, emos, scenes, etc. And in the midst of all the black and neon colored hair [this one girl had pinkish hair that was blue underneath. it was awesome, even though i dont like pink] and chained pants and stuff, there was this one girl [think she was 12 or something] in a bright aero jacket. it was so weird. anyhoo. apparently you can have chains on your jeans, but you cant have chains on your wallet rolleyes .... ANYWAYS. the shirts and everything was so expensive!!!! i mean, more expensive than hot topic shirts and hoodies! most shirts were $32 [i got a BB shirt!], and there was this one BB shirt that was $70.. and a 3DG shirt that was 60... and a 3DG poster that was $10... and the BB and 3DG hoodies were 60.. i wanted one, but noo..... lawlz. =^-^=
So, we went in the forum place thing and all, and we went to our seats. and the first thing i say is, woah, im taller than everyone down below me!!!! haha. but it was true!!! anyways. Flyleaf opened the concert 3 min before 7 [7 was when it was supposed to start] and the chick [isnt her name lacey or something?] started headbanging, and singing, and when they started doing 'all around me' song, she started twirling and everything. she was awesome. they played for around 40 minutes, and then there was like, a 15-30 min break while they got the stage ready for breaking benjamin. omg, they were freakin AWESOME!!!!!!! they did Blow me Away!!!! XD thats my fave song by them, and its from the Halo videogames!!!! XDXDXD Then the dude was like, whoever screams the loudest gets a shirt! so the crowd in front of the stage [sadly not me, my dad wouldnt let me go down there] went crazy, and he threw out a shirt. Then he goes to the other side and is like, 'what? ya thought i only had one shirt?' and he tosses out like, 5 more. and then he tosses his water bottle to the croud... and im like, NO! I WANT THAT WATER BOTTLE!!!! NOO! whee lawlz. and they play some more, finish it with Diary of Jane, and the lights go on and the stage gets ready for Three Days Grace. [BB was playing for about an hour, the break was about 15-30 min]
So i escaped the seats, and i got some ice cream!!! yayz!!!! haha. so i hung outside [well, inside, but it was outside the stadium thingy] for a while, and then went back in a few minutes before Three Days Grace started. So, ya know how the beginning of Break starts, with the cool music? They had that going for like, 3 minutes, and then they started singing... i was standing up [the only time, actually. i only stood up and shouted and jumped for Three Days Grace, though it was tempting when BB started playing Blow me Away] and everything. And then they played Home, and i went crazy, and then, the drummer dude starts doing a drum solo thing for 5 minutes. Then the spotlight goes on and it goes to the middle of the area where you can stand, and Adam's standing on top of this huge speaker thingy [not sure what it was] and he starts singing I Dont Care [the song he did with Apocalytica, if i spelled it right] and everyone down there goes crazy, and then he jumps down and goes back to the stage. It was EPIC!!!! And they played Riot [make sense!] and im like, they better play Just Like You... and they did, so i went crazy again. They were freakin awesome. =^-^=
and then it was over, at 11ish. So i went home, and went to Dunkin Donuts, but the damn place was outta donuts! so i was angry. And then i went home [at 12.30ish] and then crashed at 1.45..... lawlz.
So yeahh........ that was the concert.
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