So life recently has been both complicating and annoying. (if I've taken it out on anyone, forgive me) Our vehicle broke down, again, and we are borrowing another family vehicle>.> yay...
I'm also having life problems...again...aswell.
Life is becoming boring, if it doesn't get more fun, then....well, you probably know the end of that, again. *sigh* life is so repetitive
Also, love doesn't seem to be getting any better.
I'm not interested in being in a relationship right now though, but that is besides the point.
This guy (no i'm not saying your name) who is in our MY group (yay i'm a leader) has this really shitty reputation with everyone, because he crushes on all my girls. (no i'm not a lez) everyone hates him, and he just can't get it through his head.
He is most afraid of me, and Iceychiida my BFF. Now, he likes me.
I'm not against it, and i don;t mind (do NOT take this the wrong way).
But, i'm pissed off at the fact that YOU (if you are reading this) are ( i swear to god, if you think i'm jealous...I will kill you. stressed ) Trying to make a move on Jessie.
Honestly, just because she is new, doesn't mean you should hit on her. and your not exactly attractive >.>
and It IS pissing me off, just so you know. and this is where this comes in:
you are really confusing you know? you have no ability to make up your mind. it's very stupid, and it's not going to get you anywhere in life, other that down.
and then you go all stupid and say:
WTF your confuzing me
really? you can't think? thats great. you can go burn in hell.

*sight* Well, there you go. leave a comment if you WISH to defend yourself.
Or if you just want to talk.
I'm going to read.