Subtitle Competition!
Hello all. ^^ I have decided that I need a new sig, but I don't want just a simple, run-of-the-mill sig that everyone and their mother has seen before or a lame picture of myself in RL. No.
So, that's why I'm hosting this little subtitle contest! biggrin
I have two images that I might use. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to come up with a witty or maybe just funny but not so witty subtitle to summarize/explain the image. Each image will be worth a prize of 1000 gold.
~ You may submit a subtitle for each image. Be sure to label which image your subtitle belongs with.
~ You may not submit multiple subtitles for the same image.
~ Prize will be 1000g per image.
~ Please, no profanities or blatantly offensive remarks.
~ Post your submission in a comment below.
>> Contest Ends March 1st <<
Image One (IMG #1)

Image Two (IMG # 2) ~ image will of course be resized for signature ~

Community Member
Then for the pic instead!