This is for a rp I'm part of, the Dark Carnival. But, anyways, I've been working on it for months and just finished it.
Part 1/4.
“Please, you can give it to me afterwards. Just… please, do this one last thing for me…” the nineteen year old boy held his eighteen year old ex-girlfriend’s hands in his clasp. “Please.” Yearning was in his striking blue eyes.
The girl responded with an angry look. “It’s your fault all this is happening! This is my life we’re talking about!”
“No, it’s not.” He said softly. “It’s the baby’s. If you just will have it, I’ll pay all of your bills and take it. I’ll move away, and you’ll never have to hear from either of us again.”
“You don’t know what you’re asking!”
“You don’t know what you’re doing.” Was his response. “I promise. I’ll pay everything. If you just… would…” He bowed his head, almost ashamed of the tears spilling down his cheeks. He looked up and met the eyes of the girl who he had loved- in many senses of the word. “I beg you.”
“That’s all I will have to do?”
“That’s all.”
“What about the time I have to stay out of work?”
“I’ll pay you for that too.”
A cold look in her eyes, the girl frowned. “I don’t want it! If I do have it, and you don’t take it immediately, I will throw it away on the way home from the hospital.”
“I know.”
The two exchanged a long look in silence. “Fine. I won’t get an abortion, unless you change your mind.” Standing, the girl tossed her smooth black hair and left, her five-month stomach protruding.
The teenage boy put his head in his hands and sat at the table in silence. He breathed heavily, knowing how much was at stake. If Lea didn’t want the baby, she could always change her mind and get rid of it. He felt his heart shattering. This was her fault just as much as his, but none of the blame should go to the child. The child he would take away and raise.
Lea had gone through with the pregnancy, and had left the baby in Audrei’s hands on her way out of the hospital. Sympathetic nurses had helped Audrei get the infant’s few supplies together, and had told him what kind of formula to buy and instructions on caring for the baby boy.
Audrei himself filled out the baby’s birth certificate after he had been born, since Lea had not cared. Adriyan, a name he had always loved. Adriyan Vynce-Patrik.
Nearly six years had passed. Audrei was bearing with raising his son relatively well, given the circumstances. Adriyan adored his father, and Audrei adored his son. The two were extremely close.
Audrei had gotten the antisocial Adriyan a kitten for Christmas nearly seven months before. She was very small compared to most other cats- she had hardly grown since they got her-, and was mostly white with black spots on one paw, one ear, and the tip of her tail. She was heterochemic- one eye was blue, and the other was pale gray-green. Adriyan had enthusiastically named her Patches. Before long, Patches became the three year old’s closest friend.
Adriyan sat on the floor in the living room, playing with a child-safe Velcro dart set his father had helped him make. He tossed one of the ‘darts’, barely missing the bull’s-eye from across the room. He frowned, then tried again and struck dead center. The boy laughed gleefully, then ran into the kitchen and tugged on his father’s shirt.
“Daddy, Daddy!” he said excitedly. “Daddy, guess what?”
“What?” Audrei turned to smile down at his son, holding a pan of… well, God only knows what he was cooking… Anyhow, the pan was in one hand, and a spatula in the other.
“I got the red again!” >w< Adriyan beamed.
Audrei sat down the things he was holding, then knelt down and hugged Adriyan tight. “Good job! I’m so proud of you!”
Adriyan wrapped his arms around Audrei’s neck and closed his eyes, completely and utterly happy. “I love you, Daddy.”
“I love you too.”
After the two ate ‘dinner’, Audrei stood and headed into the other room, planning on putting away some clothes.
The black haired boy sat at the table for a few minutes, then put his plate and napkin on the stove next to the sink. Then, the carefree child walked into the living room and back to his dart set. He didn’t notice that the burner he had placed them on was still hot.
Several minutes passed, and Adriyan looked up from his darts, wrinkling his nose. ’Something smells funny…’ He dismissed it, and tossed several more darts before he began to hear a strange sound coming from the kitchen. The boy looked at the kitchen door, puzzled, and noticed what looked like smoke coming through the doorway.
Audrei walked into the room, and paused, sniffing. “Adriyan, what’s that smell? It smells like something’s bur-“ He was interrupted when the fire alarm began to go off. The brown haired man dashed into the kitchen, only to see the fire quickly spreading. “Adriyan… Adriyan, get outside.”
“Why? What’s that noise?”
“Get outside!” Audrei ran out of the room, just before something exploded, sending flaming fragments flying across the kitchen. The places they landed quickly lighted, and the whole room was filled with flames. Orange tongues licked the ceiling, traveling into the living room and the upstairs. Adriyan stared at the mesmerizing flames, a look of wide-eyed horror on his face. The fire alarm beeped its high-pitched note over and over. Audrei dashed to Adriyan and scooped him up into his arms, heading for the door.
The two made it outside and across the street to the neighbor’s yard, where Audrei dropped Adriyan, breathing heavily. Then, he ran to the front door of the house and pounded on the door. When the woman answered, he quickly explained that he needed her phone. By this time, the air smelled strongly of smoke and flames were visible, spreading through the house. She quickly dialed the fire department.
Suddenly, Adriyan let out a wail and ran towards the house. “Adriyan, no!” Audrei caught his son, holding him back. Tears streamed down the boy’s cheeks as the orange flames crackled.
“P-patches!!!” he stammered. “Patches is inside, Daddy! The fire’s gonna hurt her!”
Adriyan’s news hit Audrei full force. That little kitten was part of the family, more than just a pet. Almost nothing meant more to Adriyan than she did. “Don’t worry. I’ll get her.” The brunette stated after a moment’s hesitation. “I love you. Stay here.” He hugged Adriyan tightly, then ran to the house, peeling off his shirt and throwing it to the ground to give the fire less to burn. The boy watched wide eyed as his father vanished into the burning building. Sirens could be heard, coming closer and closer.
’She was asleep upstairs…’ Audrei remembered, hurrying to the staircase. The fire had spread all through the house, and it was already difficult to breathe. The twenty-four year old hurried up the stairway, and towards Adriyan’s bedroom, where Patches usually stayed.
He opened the door, and sure enough, Patches was curled up on the bed, her eyes saucers and every hair standing on end. She was shaking and terrified. Audrei picked her up, cradling her to his chest. “It’s okay, Patches. I’ve got you. You’re safe now…” The world was now dyed hues of red, orange, and black from the light of the flames. He headed for the stairs, only for a chunk of the flaming roof to fall on the middle of the steps and set it on impenetrable fire.
Audrei’s breathing was becoming heavy. He could tell that the fire was consuming most of the oxygen. Sweat dripped from his body, and the tiny kitten trembled against his chest. Sirens stopped outside, and so he ran to Adriyan’s window and kicked at it until it shattered.
Adriyan watched in fear as his home was covered in flames. The firemen finally got there- five minutes had seemed like centuries. “Daddy! Patches!” He cried into the shoulder of the neighbor who had dialed 911.
“It’s ok. They’ll be fine.” She reassured him, though she didn’t believe it herself.
The firemen turned the ladder to the window Audrei had shattered. “I’m here!” He shouted, his voice somewhat hoarse from the smoke inhalation. He coughed, still cradling Patches tightly. As the fireman came closer, Audrei thrust the kitten out of the window. “Take her first. I can’t get through the window yet; you can come back.”
“But sir…”
“Hurry!” Audrei looked uneasily around him as the ceiling began falling in, and the floor began to cave away.
The fireman complied, quickly going down and handing off the kitten. He immediately went back up to the window, where Audrei was trying to break off enough glass to be able to climb through.
Suddenly, Audrei began to cough, hard and repeatedly. He doubled over, then sank to his knees. He struggled to catch his breath in the oxygen-poor, smoky air, but was mostly unsuccessful.
“Are you okay?!” The fireman asked urgently, helping to break away the window. Finally, enough came loose to get Audrei out.
The twenty-four year old was still struggling to breathe. He had been asthmatic since his childhood. He looked up and saw the fireman was reaching for him, and reached out a soot-covered and glass-cut hand. His fingertips brushed the fireman’s. Suddenly, the floor caved in, and he plummeted to the ground, letting out a cry. Pieces of the roof gave way, falling around him. Flames surrounded him, and he was still coughing heavily.
The fireman quickly turned to his crewmates. “We need to get people in there! The floor caved in, and I can’t reach him now!”
This sent the fire fighters who weren’t manning the hoses spraying the house scrambling.
Adriyan watched in horror as the part of the house around the kitchen was completely engulfed. Piercing screams filled the air, rising above the crackling of the fire and the crashing of falling parts of the house. “Daddy!” Adriyan wailed. He began to pound the neighbor’s arm with his fists. “Let me go! I have to save Daddy!” Tears poured down his cheeks. “He can’t die, he can’t!”
One of the firemen hurried over with Patches, handing him off to one of the neighbors who were watching the scene, with quick instructions to get her to the boy after it was over.
The firemen did all that they could. One of them finally got in through the flames and emerged a minute later, bearing Audrei’s limp body. He laid him on the ground, and they quickly began CPR and put an oxygen mask on him, but it was no use. There had been no response since the fireman found him, curled into a tight ball that was futile protection against the flames. Burns covered his entire body, and the asthma and smoke had worked with the fire to foil any chances that he might survive.
The neighbor finally let go of Adriyan, letting him run to his father. “Daddy, Daddy!” he wailed, throwing himself down on his father’s chest and wrapping his arms around his lifeless neck. Tears fell in streams down the boy’s cheeks, and he felt his heart shattering into pieces. “You can’t die! You can’t!!” Adriyan sobbed. “You just can’t….”
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I apologize for any unwanted spoilers in my signature... v.v

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