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" Alright Readers! Time for some Yuki Journaling! Yaaaaay. This is were you get to read about the life of Yuki. Booooo. Haha. Well, i've been sick for the past four days. -cough- But, i'm getting better~:3! Art has been in a huge delay. I have three things due! D: And ones due Tomorrow! ARRRGH! School has been catching up. Grades are FINALLY getting there! Schwooooop! Hmmm, Anything new....Not that i know of really. My life is pretttty boring. OH It snowed One foot and four inches! Dayuuuum. I have to walk through that shniz every morning too. ;w;. And when wearing skinnies, it's not fun. I run throught it to get to my destination faster and have less snow on my pants. -chuckles- It's only a couple feet. Oh, you should be expecting a few poems and short stories in my journal soon. Been writing two short stories. One on a twisted Alice in Wonderland. And one on a girl named Hope. Check 'em out :3. Well, i'll leave you guys go back to whatever you were doing! Have a good day, and make sure to maybe leave a comment. Though, i don't expect any due to the boring information of this journal entry. Sayonara! -bows- "
• • • I am addicted to the knife • • •
• • • A scapel slut • • •
• • •. . Bang . . • • •
• • • A scapel slut • • •
• • •. . Bang . . • • •