Name: AMS'Jak' AI21 [AKA Jack]
Gaian name: Zorengeto
Class: Automated Mobility Suit 'Jak' Artificial Inteligence:serial number:21
Team: N17 Alpha - Armor - Australian Global Regulators. [N17 Alpha ArmsAGR]
Falt D60J - Bio Energy Powered, Side Pistol 'Diosk'.
- The Falt D60J BEPSP'Diosk' is a Bio Energy Side Pistol, stored within the arm of the AMS'Jak' AI21, holding 14 magazines of 16 bullets each.
Klent Falt D61P - Crystal pigment, Emergency Bolt Slicer 'Excalibar'.
- The Klent Falt D16P is known as the Excalibar, it is able to cut through steel with its crystal pigment rotating blade, commonly used for creating parts when repair is required, but can be used in combat but is not a profered method of combat, for it is not designed to be used for combat and is prone to brakeing when used as a weapon, AMS'Jak' AI21 has the capability to carry 4 of the Klent Falt D16P.
YEO352 BIPGETE - Solar Radiation Discharge capcial.
- YEO352 BIPGETE is the discharge of Solar Radiation built up from staying under the hot sun, this was created as a means to keep the temperature inside the AMS'Jak' AI21 at comfertable tempertures, be it hot or cold in the enviroment outside, the Capcial the Solar Radiation is stored in uses the Solar Radiation to create a light that is capable of blinding unprotected eyes permanently if it is used in succession, the AMS'Jak' AI21 has a capacity of holding 3 of these capcials and with no known AGR Zones is the area the chances of refilling are slim.
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Gray Matter Cystal Alloy Shelling with Coolent vesals and vains situated throught the structure.
Mobility: The AMS'Jak AI21 is small enough to fit into a mediem sized van.
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Bio: AMS'Jak AI21 a constuct of Australian origin, Australia's coasts were desimated in the war but the vast amount of land further inland was virtually unscathed, the people that were allready living underground there survived and flurished there without restraint, useing the vast amount of resourses there they began diveloping new technology, creating Machines that would mine materals and farm food for them, a city was irected where the survivers lived and extended as far underground as it did above ground, the eviroment pushed them creat the things they required for everyday life out of the mineral they found, eventually turning the city green and flurishing and a way no one would of thought before, the majority of residents would become scientists. Once they had setled in they eventually turned there eyes on the outside world and realised the rest of the world wasn't flurishing quite as well as they did and so the ARG[Australian Global Regulators] was created to get the world back on its feet although the true objective is unknown. AMS'Jak' AI21's Pilot was killed 7 years ago and AMS'Jak' AI21 has orders to continue the mission.
Extra/abbilities: The AMS'Jak' AI21 is able to repair its self if there are metals around, though they won't be as strong as his current armor, they are reasonably aceptable field repairs.
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.▒..░▒Sys▓▒em R▒░tart▓▓░..
Info: The AMS'Jak' AI21 is a Automated Mobility Suit, if need me it can be operated by a human pilot but it is not required, this is a mobility suit to be worn by a Pilot or 'Vesal' as they are known to be called. Usually only one AGR is isued to a country at a time but backup is sent if contant isn't isued daily.
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