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Name: Lazarus Cain
Sex: Male
Species/Race: Zombie - Left 4 Dead Hunter
Age: Unknown, looks to be seventeen or eighteen.
Eye Color: N/A
Hair Style/Color: Medium-length, messy, and brown.
Skills/Abilities/Talents: - Moves at approx. 24mph(Olympic sprinter speed.) Faster when leaping.
- Leaps great distances.
- Enhanced hearing, smell, taste, and touch.
Other: Lazarus wears a dirty white hoodie instead of a Hunter's usual dark blue one.
Weaknesses: - Fire, of course, but nobody wants a flaming Hunter.
- Explosive rounds can knock him back and stun him. Maybe take off a limb.
Personality: Quiet, Modest, Naturally Curious, and Submissive. Completely flips out when angry and becomes violent, sadistic, and impulsive. He is similar to a normal Hunter, but it seems as if his survival instincts are slightly more developed than the other infected. Simply put, he's just better at keeping himself alive. Also, since he has a premature form of the mutation, Lazarus has less swelling of the brain and therefore is slightly less aggressive than other infected.
Biography: Lazarus Cain-- high school student, talented singer, and...zombie? Lazarus was your average student who pursued many interests like music, skateboarding, and poetry. He wasn't anything special at his school and preferred to be a wallflower, hanging out with a few close friends and just having fun. Grades were average, drugs and alcohol had no place in his life, and overall he was just a singer in an up-and-coming band.
That is, until the infection hit. Lazarus didn't have enough time to prepare and fight the illness and he was one of the first few to begin getting sick in his area. It first started out as headaches and flu-like symptoms like nausea and vomiting, but when the boy collapsed people knew that it was something more. At first Lazarus was a regular infected and managed to escape the guns and axes of survivors, but eventually his senses heightened and the muscles in his legs grew stronger. Claws appeared on his hands and feet. Lazarus was aware of the change but ignored it as any animal would until he couldn't take it anymore; all of his five senses-- sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste-- became extremely well-developed for him to advance into the Hunter stage and like all the other Hunters, his eyes became so sensitive that any light whatsoever would send a searing pain through his brain. Soon enough Lazarus let out a howl and began hastily clawing his eyes out to escape the pain.
Thus was the birth of another Hunter.
Themes: "God Help Me" ~ Rebecca St James