(Madness? This...is...SPARTAAA!! rolleyes )
Kidding Kidding...Yeah, I know I pulled an AWOL. In all fairness, it is true that I’ve had this journal header without an actual entry for quite some time now, however due to a small mishap with the winter weather I was unable to actually use Gaia for quite some time. Heh, ^^" But since I’m here now I thought it only be best to start off this journal with the contents of my mind splattered about like rancid meat on a humid July day in California for flies (that’s you guys) to soak up. Pretty picture ain’t it?
My name’s ‘Shard, I live in what I call at times one of the most culturally divided cities in the United States and probably one of the most interesting too. I’m 19, getting dangerously close to the big “2-0” attend *coughcommunitycough* college and am desperately pursuing a degree in computer sciences so I may one day own my own gaming company. The people you see in the ring around my little avi on my profile are actual people I know in real life, such as my best friend Bass who I call one of the wisest idiots I’ve ever met (and I say that laughing cause he’d probably agree with me), and my little sister who bugs the crap out of me but I love nonetheless. I have been called everything from a narc to emo, from immature to a brilliant person (with a slight ADD/ADHD streak mind you), from heavily irresponsible to remarkably trustworthy. I’m not a know-it-all despite the outward appearance, and have never raised my fist at someone who didn’t deserve it ^^. Life’s hard enough as it is right?
All I plan on accomplishing in this journal is allowing people who view it to see issues from another POV, get someone to smile if need be, flesh out an idea or theory I've had recently, maybe open a couple of minds to new ideas…maybe open my own...
I am a man of faith but also know the boundaries of my own body (i.e. I’m not expecting to sprout wings anytime soon…black wings maybe but not white ones ^^’ take that however you want) I think that we (as in human kind) are not just some giant universal fluke but do truly have a purpose in life and that we all must strive towards finding. I admit I am an American, but won’t say my race is African-American (dangit we’re all human for *^%# out loud), I don’t say the pledge of allegiance (sue me…I dare you), love where I live knowing it ain’t perfect either, and support troops over war anyday (I don’t believe in taking a life…That’s not our job).
That’s pretty much it. Sometime next week I want to have an actual topic up that maybe whoever reads this will decide to join in…I’m teetering somewhere between defining the extensionalism of parent to child or how to make a really great turkey sandwich…Should be fun ^^
Till then, Ja Ne my crazies…
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
-The man himself...Albert Einstien
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