~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.youtube.com/user/cardgamesftw?blend=1&ob=4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/journal.php?mode=view&post_id=24806119&u=16093440 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hey Lavi look at this!" "Ohh that's awesome" *hizumi drops it behind him* "Oops, let me turn around and bend over so I can pick that up" Yuma: o.o O.O -- 0.o x.x D:<
XD XD XD I love you. XD XD XD Genius! I thought of that segment since Lavi is caring for Hizumi while he's recovering. Yuma is meanwhile on this camping trip. XD I was thinking it could be more of a we show both sides of the story so that way it's funny instead of HOLY s**t THEIR GAY TOO? POOR YUMA! I know! That'd be good. That's just where I got the idea of Yuma getting paranoid. It was youth... it was ridiculous... and it wasn't in Yuma's tarot cards. Yuma vs. Lavi (just not really) I think it'll be pretty fun no matter what. Oh it shall. icon_rofl.gif Especially with our cunningly dirty minds. Do you remember battleship? icon_cool.gif LOL I love battleship I also had another idea. "No, NOOO Lavi what are you doing!? Your not supposed to touch that. (toothpaste all over the sink) AH! Now stay away from me!!(I don't want you to get toothpaste all over my clothes for my date with Yuma)"
*thump against the headboard* *scream of joy* *thump thump* *owww* Man I haven't jumped on a bed in years! XD Love it (sorry i was in the shower) "Umm...I'm not sure I can do this anymore" *groans* "It really hurts!!" "Come on just a little longer. Until I'm bored." "I can't hold out any longer!" *sounds of bodies collapsing on top of each other and a small shriek. "Aw! Hizumi! I wanted to play Twister a little more!" Lol, I love it.
"But I love them both so much, what should I do Shinishi?" "Choose which one you would rather have." "Okay, I'll choose him!" *points to milk chocolate bunny with a tie* "He's just to hard to resist I could just eat him up!" XD "Oh wow Lavi. It's so big!!" "I know. You wanna taste it?" "Sure!" "Mmm...it's delicious! I just wanna suck on it all night long." ~is holding a humongous lollipop~ xD "Oh my darling; never leave me. I don't need anyone else but you!" "Do you really mean that?" "Of course, there's no one else I love more!" "Well we can't do this; not here." "Then where?" "Tonight, at 12PM, come alone."
"Hey thanks for being the women Hizumi; I needed to practice my lines for this play." XD "Hizumi don't eat so fast you'll choke." "But it's so goo-urg!" "Hizumi! I told you! Hold still~" ~Yuma walks by and stops outside door.~ "Hizumi come on! In, out, in, out, in, out!" "Argh!" ~starts preforming Heimlich manuever~ "Hizumi bend over!" "Ugh!!!!" "Don't worry just a few more thrusts!" ~Yuma runs off~ "-HACK~! Ugh~! Thanks Lavi. I almost choked there..." icon_rofl.gif
"You seem very stressed." "Yeah, I am, big test tomorrow." ~Yuma overhears~ "Okay, we'll take this slow Hizumi." "Okay..." "Just breathe," ~many deep relaxing breathes~ "Ahh." "Okay you feel alright?" "I think I'm ready now....ARGH! NO I"M NOT!" "Just don't think about it to much, you'll be fine. I'll help guide you through it tonight if you think that would help." "Yeah, it would *sigh* thank you." ~yuma runs off* "So what chapter should we start with?" icon_rofl.gif ~Yuma overhears~ "Okay Hizumi. I'll help you through this okay? You don't have to be scared." "Alright." "Okay. I'm going to insert it nice and slow. It'll hurt a little but you'll get used to it." "Alright..." "Okay here we go..." "Ouch!!!" "Shh, it's alright. Here squeeze my hand. That's it. Bear with it." "Lavi...it feels really weird!" "It always does the first time." ~Yuma runs off~ "Gosh Lavi! I'm never letting you take blood samples from me again!"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JOJO-JUST SO YOU KNOWA guide to everyone's favorite Who ATTENTION JOJO FANGIRLS! JOJO- JUST SO YOU KNOW (a complete guide to JoJo) -Jojo is a Who, a fictional character made by Dr. Seuss -Nor your OC -He's not a happy boy and never will be -Not one of his 96 sisters -No he doesn't wear clothes so don't ask him to "take it off!" -Not his dad stare -He's about 4.5 feet tall -He appears in the movie 4.5 times as well -He has 4.5 lines (Yopp counts as a half) - GOSH DAMMIT I SAID NOT YOUR OC!
JOJO BASHING! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw7_KO9hWi8
HHAW CHIPMUNK STYLE! KICK IT ALVIN! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72Vh5CYWXx4

MESSING WITH JOJO!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxQpui19nRY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju20SBq_BJY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o92VS-hOoRM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2rz7R0Bi4c
TO THE FANGIRLS Congragulations. You managed to fall in love with an emo fur ball after hearing him speak 4.5 lines. Desperate much?
AND LASTLY... JoJo will go down in history, but not for being a emo, or for being the one the girls always want, or for saying 4.5 lines/appearing 4.5 times/being 4.5 feet tall, or EVEN for being voiced by Jesse Mcartney. No. He'll go down in history because he brought us the word YOPP!
Spiraling_into_oblivion · Tue Jan 12, 2010 @ 05:17am · 0 Comments |