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Cream yourr pants ;D

Fried Ovaries
Community Member
After surgery
Heyy youu guys its been a while snice I havent been on. Maybe for a about a week the most. I had to go to emergency room then to the hospital. I'll explain everything going a bit into detail.
On New years eve on friday at 1030pm something went with me my right side of started hurting. It hurt like crazy. I called my mom but her cell phone was left on voice mail. I left her 2 messages. I dealt with the pain from 1030 till 435am. My mom came home finally mom came home and took me took me to emergency room of the montefiore hospital. We were there from 535am till like somehwere around 7am or 9am i forget. They ran ultrasound tests on the area of where I was hurting at twice. It had something to do with my gallbladder it some stones in it. So they took me upstairs to the 7th floor into a room where and given a gown and stayed there for about a week the pain had gone down on its own. So I had no pain for 3-5 days the hook me up an iv where I was needled into my right arm where fluids flowed into me. This was my food too. I didnt get to eat from friday till like tuesday. I was so hungry but I had to deal with it. It might have been on tuesday or wenesday I had the surgery.
I was so scared my heart was pounding. My mom was with me though she tried her best to cheer me up. She told me a story that when she went into surgery. go into surgery they said you can go with panties on. Its funny. My mom went in with panties and when she came back they wrapped up in a clear bag hanging on to the stretcher. So everyone saw what kind panties she had on. haha! Snice this same surgery I gotten happened to my mother and to most of the others in our family. She showed how little the scars were. They werent s big.
Okay I've been home snice yesterday. I dont hurt anymore but my stiches do brother me from time to time. Its gonna a take me a week for me to recover or so. I get tired easily. It has taken me an hour or two to write this all down. So I cant do many things now. I cant bend down I need someone to help me get out of bed but its getting better. So everyone lets just pray and etc for me :]

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Community Member

Sat Jan 09, 2010 @ 07:37pm


Same thing happened to me but was a year ago on or near christmas//or new-years some holiday!

I got home from a restaurant and started getting this pain very very bad pain >_<,
I would always get it and would go to the doctor and they say it just gasses xD,
but this time it didnt go away i yelled out ''IM DIEING'' XD!!
And scared my grama and she ran and asked what was happening I told her then she called my aunt,and then my aunt came took me to the hospital late at nite owo,
to emergency room..went threw all these test..they kept asking
''are u pregnant'' im like no are u o_o..lol jk..
and then they told my i had stones in my gallbladder n had to have surgery cuz if it burst it has all these toxics and could die..>.>

had sign a paper and all n went threw surgery owo

WHAT SUCKED IS,I saw that movie AWAKE...>.>
so I like dam what if I feel the pain lol but yeh..

it went well..went home like next 2 days
couldnt pick up heavy stuff,and had eat liquids..and such owo my mom came
all the way from dallas to take care of me
<33 luff my mommy owo

but yeh I know what you went threw,the pain hurts
it like from your spine to your stomach..


oh yeh the stitches when i saw them i wanted to pull them out
._. i felt like a rag doll

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