Name: Hotaru Ashida
Age: Sixteen!
Grade: Sophomore
Crush: Lolwut.
Race: Esper
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Color: Teal
Bio: Hotaru's a little shy at first, but she's pretty loud and hyper once you get to know her. For the most part, she prefers to keep her past to herself. Though she's outgoing, it's hard to earn her full trust. Get on her bad side and you'll be sorry.

Name: Toshiro Etsuko
Age: Nineteen
Grade: Graduate
Crush: Ermm...maybe later.
Race: Vampire hybrid (half vampire, half hellspawn)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Color: FireBrick
Bio: Toshiro seems rather shy on the outside, but really, he's a kindhearted man that's trying to find a way to fit in unnoticed. He's a musician. The only friends he has are two girls named Aiko and Hotaru..yeah, sad. Or he could just be a chick magnet without knowing it. That would be awesome.
Tsubasa Mori. SlateGray.
Kokoro Nagato. DarkRed.
Yuki Nagato. Black.
Kiku Fujioka. SteelBlue.
Hana Nakamura. DeepSkyBlue.