Additional References
Name ::

- Agni
Job Title ::
- N/A
Residence ::
- Agnika
Race ::
- Demon God
Hair Color ::
- Blue highlights against a soft brown (Changes color with mood)
Hair Style ::
- About shoulder length, neat dreadlock like.
Eye Color ::
- Blue ( Changes color with mood )
Skin Color ::
- A canvas white with blue lining his back, back of his neck, tops of his arms, and back/sides of his legs. (The blue changes color with his mood)
Height ::
- 5’ 11’
Age ::
- N/A
Personality ::
- Appears stoic, normally will say the opposite of what he really feels. He likes to pretend he is above all things mortal, including love and lust and he will say that he’s not interested in anything of the sort, when really he’ll be more than interested in giving in to such ‘desires’ no matter how un-god-like it may be. He thinks humans are disgusting and should be killed out and that all creatures are below him and should worship him. Most people shouldn’t even have the right to speak his name.
Clothing ::
- Broadcloth outfits, robes, Yukata esque attire. He doesn’t primarily enjoy new age clothing, though he does on occasion wear it to try to ‘blend in’ or because he couldn’t get his hands on anything else.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- He always appears stoic, and is normally a shade of blue, however, his skin and the front strands of his hair can change color depending on what he is feeling. Blue :: Bored, neutral. || Red :: Angry or Lustful || Green :: Jealous, envious, or wounded || Purple :: Happy, contented, pleased || Black :: About to explode. Usually bright blue cracks leaking light from inside him start showing up along the black as well. || Pure white :: If he were to die, this is the color that appears.
Brief Background ::
- Agni is a demon God who has roamed this realm since it’s beginning. He comes to this dimension once every thousand years and lives out the course of roughly 100 human years before going back to his demon realm to sleep. However, when he came back this time to rein the wrong host was chosen for him and he was unable to fully access and contain all of his abilities and powers without overloading. He found a priest, one of his own, not of any other religion, and this priest is the one person who can keep him grounded and allow him to discharge excess energy into to keep himself from, quite literally, exploding. This priest was Kronos, and the key factors of gaining a priest are that he must be willing to become the priest to the demon god, he must devote himself completely to the whim of the higher being, and he must have a metal stake run through their hearts where it will remain.
Agni has never had to worry about things that mortals do. Eating, sleeping, drinking, breathing. These are all things that he now has to do and on occasion forgets to do thus rendering himself nearly sick or dead. Normally he only did such things for entertainment, now he has to do them to survive. The last time Agni was here, however, of course things were not as they are now. Humans disgust him and technology baffles him. He’s like a very powerful child weeping at the beauty and horror of present time.
Special Abilities ::
- Can bench press busses and control fire. He is very slightly telepathic and very telekinetic. He is extremely empathetic and able to read other people’s moods even when he is unable to portray many himself.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He moves a lot like an owl or a cat. His movements are quick and are hardly ever smooth unless he wishes them to be. He normally keeps his fingers together because in his true form he doesn’t have fingers. It’s not that he can’t move them, it’s more or less that he’s not use to having them to move.
Name :: 
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Height ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::

- Kronos
Job Title ::
- High Priest
Residence ::
- Agnika (Agni’s Temple, located behind Faolin’s Building)
Race ::
- Satyr
Hair Color ::
- Army Green
Hair Style ::
- Shorter bangs in the front with longer locks coiling down to barely brush his shoulders. For the most part his hair is straight, a bit messy when he’s in his ‘true’ form but otherwise he usually just lets them hang messily.
Eye Color ::
- Chartreuse (yellow)
Skin Color ::
- Tanned, though he has a rather clear greenish hue to his skin. Similar to a sort of ’moss’.
Height ::
- 5’0
Age ::
- 548+ (Appears to be in his late teens)
Personality ::
- This kid never starts a fight that he doesn’t think he can win. Typically he’s very reserved when he first meets someone. He analyses his opponent. Yet once he thinks he has the upper hand or once he thinks he knows just how that person works, he won’t hesitate to start the battle. It’s for this reason that he ends up in bad situations. Otherwise, if you get to know him one on one, the young man isn’t a bad guy. He plays strictly a neutral role in anything. He’s often very sarcastic and witty. Even if he loses a fight he doesn’t stop talking, acting like he’s still the one in control. Which has earned him very few friends.
Clothing ::
- He prefers clothing that is very subtle. Seeing how he really doesn’t want a ton of attention drawn to him. If he’s trying to keep himself in hiding he always wears baggy pants in order to avoid letting people see his legs. He has sneakers that are specifically made to fit his hooves, rendering him unable to really run, but it helps him hide. Other than that he’s often seen wearing a hat underneath the hood of his hooded jacket, trying to hide his horns as well as his ears from public view. Seeing how humans still easily outnumber demons he does his best to look…human. Like any normal punk. Otherwise, if he’s uncaring of his appearance he tends to dress in a loose shirt, with nothing upon his head. For pants he sticks to Capri style pants.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- He has rather large hooves. It’s something that he finds shame in, the way that his legs are built like that of any typical satyr, the fur ending at about mid thigh, where his body adjusts to look more human. His ears however, are also furred, freely twitching should anything gain his interest. His horns are curved, curled like that akin to a ram. Kronos also has a very noticeable tail should he be wearing revealing clothing. Just a small little stub which can be easily hidden within his pants should need be. His skin also has the green pigmentation, which carries into his fur. Only with his fur it looks more like a sort of moss that’s growing there. If he doesn’t care to himself properly in the mornings his hair also has the moss, it’s messy and really most view him as ‘dirty’. If he were to open his mouth his tongue is green, and his eyeteeth rather sharp. Outside of appearances the kid is very talented with most musical instruments. Anything that isn’t based on electricity. Most wind instruments bring a smile to his face.
Brief Background ::
- When Kronos was young he hadn’t had a mother or a father. Rather, he never knew them. He grew up with his teacher, and his teacher’s assistant. He learned about the ‘strings’ to each individual, how each person had a different color, and how when colors crossed they did so for a reason. Relationships would be his specialty, to play the part of cupid in the modern world. It was in this endeavor that he followed a man into the swamp, not taking into account the human’s weight opposed to his own, and as he leapt onto a certain piece of ground that the human had been on moments prior, his hooves went through, and he found himself surrounded by water. His fear of water stems from this. The fact that he almost drowned, had a spirit in that swamp not revived him by giving Kronos part of it’s own life. The moss in his hair, the green in his skin pigmentation, these are all side effects of this gift. Needless to say he left that part of the world, and began his travels to ‘fix’ various relationships. As his teacher had always wanted.
Yet people were far less understanding in modern times. Kronos learned to dress to hide, opposed to be an individual. It was in this manner that he met Agni. The two were considerably different, and yet Kronos was stubborn enough to follow the man down, having never seen so many strings upon one person before. The two began to grow accustomed to each other, and Agni made Kronos his priest. In doing so, a sharp stake was shoved into the satyr’s chest, an object made by the god himself, piercing Kronos’ heart and effectively tying his life to Agni. He was made a priest, or basically, an individual to accept Agni’s extra energy should he grow too burdened. In doing so, Agni picked up part of his gift of being able to see the strings, and took one of his own, and tied it to Kronos’ pinky finger. That way, the two of them are always connected.
Special Abilities ::
- His talent with instruments. He also has this eerie ability to get along with practically anyone. Likewise he heals rather quickly, one might even go so far as to say that he’s almost impossible to kill. Kronos is also one hell of a singer, but he never sings in public. If he is with the ‘god’ he will not show the moss in his hair or his legs/hooves. It’s a shame issue for him. The one ability that he’s very subtle about is his ability to see relationships/friendships from one person, as a sort of different colored string. He can find the ties of a relationship, as well as the snags or knots that have occurred along the way. It’s his ‘gift’, the reason for his training as a child. A more realistic version of what Cupid no doubt used to be. A love maker, where everyone else has strings to tie, but Kronos’ doesn’t have any at all. As every gift has a price.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He hates bodies of water. The kid won’t go into a bath without an obvious struggle, but a shower he can be coaxed to do. For whatever reason he lacks the ability to swim, and is convinced that he’ll die by drowning one day. On a side note the kid loves music, of any kind. He has a very old CD player complete with headphones that he can be seen with, but the kid doesn’t live a rich life and as such most of his objects are second hand.