Name ::
- Rali
Job Title ::
- Ring Leader (Head honcho of Relinquished Hope )
Residency ::
- Relinquished Hope (Rali’s Building)
Race ::
- Werewolf
Hair Color ::
- Honey Brown
Hair Style ::
- Frames his face in front, long in the back, usually hangs in a low tied pony-tail draped over his shoulder. A red tie is normally used to keep his hair in order, and it hangs to about mid back at the longest length.
Eye Color ::
- Golden
Skin Color ::
- Tanned
Height ::
- 6’
Age ::
- Looks to be 26. Actual Age is near a thousand.
Personality ::
- Over the years the rebellious punk has turned into more a man of pride who constantly seems tired. He is in charge of many lives and in keeping them save and guarded and it wears on him every now and again. Aside from his tired physic, he can be devilishly appealing and uses this a lot of the time in his negotiations. He believes that with as old as he is, he should be viewed with respect, and does not take to threats or insults kindly, no matter who they come from, or what tone they’re being said in. And he swears if he hears the phrase “Throw the dog a bone” one more time he’s going to rip the unlucky soul whom of which said it’s arm OFF.
Clothing ::
- Renaissance based Attire. Man-frills and laced clothing. (basically, he’s one of my oldest characters…have FUN with his outfits. )
Distinguishing Traits ::
- Rali has one scar just under his jawline where Faolin struck him with a hot poker from a fireplace in the moth-man's room during a rather heated conversation about the importance of perfection. It is normally hidden by the shadow of his jawline, however at the right angle it is easily visible as white scaring tissue. His eyes have horizontal pupils that are slitted and they rotate clockwise and counter clockwise depending on how he's narrowing or opening them. He has fanged wolf like canines at all times, his ears are pointed, and his nails are a bit longer and come to a point. They're also always BLACK (think how dog nails are always black.)
Brief History ::
- With how many years he has lived, to be honest, there is just oh so much to tell. To make this brief, we’ll start from where he started collecting his ‘family.’ After finding Taskai, Rali, a lone wolf, set out to find others who were lonely, abandoned, hurt, or just ostracized because of what they were. Soul’s who were without hope or a chance of making it on their own. He gathered people quickly, all of them different in their own ways and after he had a good handful of them he was struck with the profitable idea to make his own free roaming carnival. It was a carnival of mishaps and myths but it was still a show and it gave his people purpose. Sure they were all freaks, but they were a family and it was their freak like nature that made them special. That gave them the ability to make money and live out their lives in comfort.
After several years of moving from state to state, country to country, he received a proposition from a man in Los Vegas offering him to go into business with him for a nightly performance show. A Freakshow, as it were. He would get his own building to reside in, as well as his family, and he could do what he liked with it.
A solid place to stay, and safety for those he holds dearest…what more could he ask for…?
Special Abilities ::
- Heightened senses beyond comparison. Other than that though, even through all his years of life he has never developed a higher or individual werewolf ability where most other’s would. And yes, once a month he turns into a big fluffy grey wolf.
Habits or Quirks ::
- He growls, whimpers, or pants depending on his mood. He has the tendency to be easily distracted by scents and sounds. He builds model’s in his spare time. Gundams, plains, boats, cars, any kind of model building there is out there…he does it.
Name ::
Job Title ::
Residence ::
Race ::
Hair Color ::
Hair Style ::
Eye Color ::
Skin Color ::
Height ::
Age ::
Personality ::
Clothing ::
Distinguishing Traits ::
Brief Background ::
Special Abilities ::
Habits or Quirks ::
- Faolin
Job Title ::
- Ring-Leader
Residence ::
- Discarded Sins (Faolin’s Building)
Race ::
- Moth.
Hair Color ::
- Silver/White
Hair Style ::
- Long tight curled coils that go to approximately his chin. Always worn down. Among his hair are two ‘antennae’ hidden (typically coiled behind his ears). These are a translucent blue in color, and about an inch thick.
Eye Color ::
- Dark Blue.
Skin Color ::
- Pale, practically porcelain statue white.
Height ::
- 5’9
Age ::
- 637+ (Appears to be in his mid-twenties)
Personality ::
- Faolin believes himself to be better than everyone else. He’s very arrogant and stuck up, prude even. He very rarely smiles (typically only in Rali’s presence). He’s ‘cold as ice’, which gained him the nickname ‘Father Frost’ to his underlings. Faolin doesn’t see his ‘crew’ to be part of his family, if anything he sees them to be more or less slaves, or pets. Animals that he buys and exchanges according to the market and what the human public want. His eyes are cold, and empty, and his voice always kept monotone.
Clothing ::
- He adores robes. Anything elegant and made so that it covers the majority of his flesh. He never wears anything in red. Always dark blues or soft blues. Only very rarely will he wear black, and if he must, it’s typically designed with some sort of silver or gold embellishment. When in private Faolin wears a long white robe, made of a soft silk, eerily simple for a man so well off.
Distinguishing Traits ::
- The translucent blue antennae that are typically tucked behind his ears, or hidden among the tight coils of his hair. Other than that, Fao has very small fangs within his mouth, nothing too obvious or really much at all when compared with his lover.
Brief Background ::
- Some few years ago Faolin began to set up his freak show. With a mere handful of demons in the human realm of Vegas, he put together a show unlike any other. Most of the individuals within his massive business actually fear him, due to his inability to really care about the people there. He doesn’t see any of the people as loyal, but rather, money leeching filth. Within the past couple of years, Rali moved in next to his own building and began to steal his clients, for Rali’s twisted circus, no matter how small, held several interesting beasts. Faolin did all that he could to threaten and bribe the wolf into leaving, and eventually he managed to get Rali under his own thumb. For a few months, a deal was struck, a debt was made, and Rali came to Faolin’s bedroom every night for various tortures. Somewhere here, their ‘relationship’ began and a weak spot for this puppy formed. Faolin denies any attachment to Rali, but really any fool can see that it’s there.
Special Abilities ::
- Manipulation through touch.
Habits or Quirks ::
- Faolin loves classical music. He’s also a total sucker for bubble baths, and shiny silver trinkets.