Lan, a strong boy with black hair and pale skin, came up to Maria outside the libary. Lan was Maria's crush. "I'll walk you home since its so late," He said. It was so late that the moon was already out. It was full. Maria offered to stop and rest for a moment. "Sorry i know is a long way and all..." "No its fine..." Lan secretly wrapped is arm around Maria, yet Maria did nothing. "Do me?" Maria stuttered. Lan chuckled and gently pushed her against the wall. "Was i that obvious?" Maria gasped as he leaned closer. She felt his breathe aainst e neck as he kissed it. He licked it, then shocked he pulled away, eyes closed shut. "I love you too its ok!!" Maria assured. "Y-you dont understand!" Lan opened his eyes. They were blood red. "Youre a...vampire...?" Maria said, a little shocked. Then Lan winced as Maria cut her vein with her nails. "Then have me...take me as on of your own..."
 22 Female 5"8 Black American Cancer In Love heart Pixel Art by: SnailorAnna