Okay, so anyone who cares is going to know that I've gotten all happy lately.
Which is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!
Tony the Tiger is my role model. xD
So there's this guy. And he's pretty much awesome.
He's just a friend (that's right, Ian; f-r-i-e-n-d), but he
is really great. Just, you know, the cliched use of twelve
different adjectives goes right here, okay? Yeah. And
I saved space by paraphrasing that for you! biggrin Makes me
happy inside. And so, that's a big part of it. New friend,
who likes me probably as more than that, but I still have
that "I-don't-date" thing going on, so I dunno right now.
But still. And, oh, let's face it - I like him, too. But ... yeah.
And some of you know about the big fiasco with Andrew
that went on last month. It kind of really broke my heart
in a way that was almost too painful to describe without
my eyes tearing up like I was on some kind of daytime
talk show. If y'all remember back in May and June when
I was having my mental breakdown (when I was going to
down that bottle of blood pressure medicine), it had to do
with that. And it all kind of went downhill from there. But!
I think we've worked it out. A lot of things finally got out in
the open after years of us dancing around the issues, and
we're friends again. And that is a good thing. heart
So right now I'm really happy. Things seem to be going
right. Not all the time, and not even very right, but good.
Good enough for me to smile on a daily basis. And I can
breathe again. Big breaths that feel like I can keep myself
alive. Like my heart isn't just waiting for some reason to
stop beating. And I won't be on here very often, because I
can't use the computer as much. And, yes, because most
of my time online is spent replying to the emails from people
I actually KNOW. surprised Big shock.
Also, I'd just like to put out there that I think all of you
are really great. Angel, I know things are just not going
right for you, and they haven't been for a long time. Just
know I'm thinking about you, Angie. <3 And Ian, I hope
you and Ashley are still doing well, and that both of your
lives are going good, and that the time you have together
is filled with the fun and laughter that you both deserve.
Nathan, I know that your life has become truly hectic, and
some things have happened that you don't feel that you can
talk about just yet. But I'm thinking about you, MDMLMS,
and hoping that you and your family are all right. I'm always
here, you know. JazzyMINE, you probably won't read this,
but I am just so proud of you for everything you do, and I love
you so much, and I just really hope that you are having some
great times this Holiday season! And Mary, my lovelylovelylove.
^^ I hope that YOU are doing AWESOME. I'm watching you on
Facebook, deary dear. I LOVE YOU. <3 Like, a lot. Just FYI
and stuff. xD In fact, I love you all! You're always in my thoughts
and on my mind and, heck, in my dreams, too. smile
So yes. I love you guys. I am living life again with friends and
a purpose and all that cool stuff that everyone has/had been
lecturing me about for forever and a day. ^^ I hope you all are
living, too. Much love!
~ Becca/BecBec/Trippylet/Dread
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Only Becca
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"Draw a line on your wrist in red
Drown out all the words they ever said
Take an oath of silence and pretend
That with that hatred met its end"
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![]() Rainbow Filled Nights Community Member ![]() |
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I loove you too, and think about you, (and er'body else) all the damn time.
I wish I could get on more and talk to you and others more.. but I can't.
But it's nice to know someone still cares. haha.
I'm sooo sooo sooo happy that your getting better and smiling... makes me smile too.
I loove&Missesssyou.
-Love Angel.