Who is littlesailboat? I don't know if she's a gaian but she's an amateur photographer. A good one! Why am I excited? She just got back from China, I love it when she challenges herself.
Her LiveJournal Page Featuring her Chinese TripHere are my

I like this one because of the sun rising over the city and there in the reflection you see her taking a picture of the city. It looks amazing < warning: I may say this fifty times > Must have been fun to take pictures.

This picture was taken on the plane there. You know they say when you take a picture of the sun the sun never looks the same ever again. Maybe it's because of the hundreds of scientific factors that have to be there. This is more of a bright white sun. I think the only reason I was drawn was because of the clouds. Look at em, they're amazing!

THIS LITTLE GIRL WAS JUST THE CUTEST THING!!! I saw her waddling past, motioned to take her picture and she just POSED!!!! I love you Chinese babies. I will stalk you forever.
Aw, that's so cute! I have some friends who have adopted some children (actually three of them) and they are adorable. I can't wait for them to grow up, maybe they will be just as adorable. This picture reminds me of them, sigh.

Just so you know, he's making some jade beads. Doesn't it look tranquil and his expression is in earnest love for his craft.

This picture reminds me of a story that was said during those times when I used to revel in my religion. There was this old man and he began to talk about how he would always feed the birds in the morning some crumbs from his toast. He always saw this big black bird come and grab some pieces and fly off. One day his eyes followed the bird up the tree and found out the big bird was feeding a little songbird. So maybe nature can have compassion for others.

I just like this picture.

Look at that inversion layer (starts spluttering geography terms). Maybe I'm a little obsessive over my cool class but I really enjoyed the effect the reddish orange light has against the palace-scape.

The Temple of Heaven is just like this huge park filled with all these crazy people doing all sorts of random stuff.
This was taken on a Monday afternoon.
I love busy people pictures. They always seemed full of life and show the best out of people and their characters. Plus, pictures like this can tell you a lot about the overall city's happiness. They seem pretty preoccupied but it's a good busy.

PANDAS! They're soo cute, I'm such a girl.

Another busy people picture. They look more sleepy in this one.

Very cooperative my little fishes. Soon I will have a communist pond! In china we serve you (^o^)

I wish I could do that! He looks peaceful, doesn't he?

Oo, They're playing two man majoong! They look like they are having some fun. I wish I understood how to play that game.

No worries, this isn't another student revolt. It's choir practice! I'm sure Spazz would envy their sound. Sailboat said that there should have been pictures that have sound.

Fine. I like babies. This one was attacking a closed up stall in the Silk Street market with two pairs of chopsticks. I DON'T UNDERSTAND.
Don't worry kid. You will get more food soon, ignore the lady with the camera.

I love neon city lights at night, it's just so beautiful. Chinese neon lights glow more redish hues than other cities.

She is lost in the dresses of silver. It's a forest of beautiful gowns!

I love this picture (one of the two pictures posted on deviantart). It's simply beautiful.

Matching children, I don't know. This picture seems photographic art like. Maybe it's because the innocence is brighter than the rest of the world as it is guided through the gray.

It's a creepy winter at the summer palace.

I love how you can see the crystals, it looks like tiny diamonds piles for the trade.

Another literally picturesque scene. I like it a lot, something about it seems so professional and profound. I just can't describe it.

I know you aren't supposed to like the police, but don't they look like they are having a jolly good ole time making sure that peace is acquired?