Winter // Christmas --- Spring and Fall
- Kouhi Garnet
- Hannah K. Campbell
- Cam or Cammie
- Eighteen
- Female
- Winter Fifth
- Archeologist
- Number the House
- ღ Rubies
ღ Topaz
ღ Diamonds
ღ Ice Cream
ღ Cake
ღ Hot Chocolate
ღ Old coins
ღ Strawberries
ღ Chocolate
✔ Cookies
✔ Chocolate Cookies
✔ Chocolate Cake
✔ Strawberry Jam
✔ Apple Jam
✔ Grape Jam
✔ Apple Juice
✔ Grape Juice
✔ Grapes
✔ Apples
✔ Silver Ore
✔ Necklaces
✔ Rings
✔ Chocolate
✔ Pumpkin Bread
✔ Rice
✔ Nighttime
✔ Winter Time
✔ Cold weather
✔ Ice skating
✔ History
✔ Reading
✔ Pumpkins
✔ Red Flowers
✔ Orange items
- ☠ People notcing her strange eye color
☠ Hieghts
☠ Swimming
☠ Deep Water
☠ Curry Dishs
☠ Curry
☠ Fish
☠ Fish Dishs
☠ Spinach
☠ Spinach dishs
☠ Herbs
✖ Perverted thoughts
✖ Perverted people
✖ Idiots
✖ Thunder
✖ Lighting
✖ Heavy rain
✖ Rain
✖ Tomatos
✖ Oranges
✖ Peaches
✖ Goat Milk
✖ Silk
✖ Pink Items
✖ Boats
✖ Strong winds
Love Interest:
- Even if there was someone I wouldn't tell you
- Single
- A neice of mine
- A dog named Hunter
- Hannah is and always has been short-tempered and stubborn. She's a hard working girl who doesn't take "No" for an answer. Just ask her niece. Hannah seems like the bad guy around her niece because she uses a frim hand to control her, but let her niece leave her alone for awhile and see a different Hannah unfold herself. Around others her age or older she's very sweet and caring. Even to kids the same age as Kate. She just has a harder time getting through that spoiled-princess-skull her niece has. Don't get her wrong though Hannah can be the same with everyone. Hannah has days when she starts off as annoyed and not in the mood for human contact.
On days where Hannah can be as sweet as a bell are the days that even Kattie gets away with things..to a point. On these days "Sweet as a bell" may be a wrong way to describe it. More like "distant" would be better. Sometimes she needs to get away from people or is just silent even when spoken too. Complementing her is a good way to get her to speak on these days. Though they are few and rare.
- Unlike Kate she has a little more too her story. She grew up in the country so being around farms and animals is nothing new to her. Her oldest sister was more than ten years older than her and tried to turn Hannah into a "pink and lacy" girl but Hannah wouldn't have it. She hated being treated like a princess and wanted to run around with her cousins and get dirty. Her older sister backed off for awhile. Untill Hannah turned into a teenager and got into highschool. Hannah let her sister dress her in lacy things, but burned anything pink that touched her skin. Yes Hannah let her sister dress her up, but only to a point.
Back to her past for a moment. When Hannah was about eight or so years old the most horrible thing happened to her. Her sister got married to a rich and cute guy, but that's not the horrible part. The horrible part was Hannah being forced to wear the most lacy and pink bridesmaid dress her sister could find. Hannah was the only erson with a "Let me die now" look on her face in the wedding picture.
Anyways. Now that Hannah is all grown up and fresh out of school she's chosen the job as an archeologist in a country side town not far from where her sister had moved to. Hannah had packed her things that she could take and waited for the movers to take her bed, dresser, chest and one or two other things to her new house. Hannah had gotten her sister to let her stay the night and some how got caught in the middle of a converstation. Somehow she had gotten stuck with her goddaughter/niece Kathleen. Hannah wasn't to thrilled but put on a fake smile when her sister and brother-in-law informed Kathleen of the new plans. Her smile went away when Kate called her a name. And for awhile Hannah and Kate were arguing about who was a bigger butt-head.
And that's all she wrote...for now since Hannah and Kate have now moved too.