the three friends seemed inseperablethose three were Sergio-the leader of thier group,Bryan-the warrior he was ready to risk his life for them,and Evelyn-she was the girl that both Bryan and Sergio loved dearly but a strange fate befell Bryan and Sergio they were blessed with weapons of light and dark.Bryan's weapon was called GOLDEN GUARDIAN a solid gold blade with the power of the ancientsthat burned with light while in the right hands can forcall the power of every pure heart in the world.While Sergio was cursed with LUNAR SYTH a syth in fused with the power of darknessthat with thte right power can obsorb the moon itself.They kept this 2nd life locked away from Evelyn and each other but one fateful day there power over whelmedthem both so the god of all good-creton and the god of every thing tainted in the dark-diadarei,sent them both to the church where the three of them first met but Evelyn followed Bryan. and when the two warriors met,two strange lights surrounded them a light as gold as the sun shaped an angel wing on Bryan's shoulder and the light as black as night shaped a demonic wing on Sergio's shoulder. when the two looked at each other they were left without words and summoned there weapons the GOLDEN GAURDIAN and LUNAR SYTH.Evelyn watched in horror as her two closest friends faught slashing at each other but only rarely landing a hit. when their weapons slashed at each other they flew back landing at oppisite walls they were breathing heavely and just when all seemed quite Sergio slashed at Bryan's chest leaving a gaping cross slash on his chest.with all his might Bryan charged at Sergio and Sergio charged toward Bryan.When they started charging the light surrounded them creating for Bryan the shape of the sun and a cresent moon for Sergio.When they clashed they were all sent into a dark endless grey area only known as oblivian.Evelyn could not believe her eyes she was viewing the making of fate intertwinding and of the power of pure good and tainted evil.Suddenly two figures in hooded cloaks carrying the swords of the ancients in the middle of the battle they charged straight at Bryan and Sergio.Evelyn once again watched hoping that her two friends would not die.When she could bare it no longer she let out a blood curdling scream that shook all of oblivian. Suddenly out of sheer force every weapon flew toward Evelyn at the sight of this Bryan started running toward Evelyn and at the last second he leapt in front of Evelynshuelding her from the four blades.Bryan looked over his shoulder and smiled Evelyn asked,why would you risk your life to save me.Bryan merely said because I didnt want to lose you,Bryan then fainted and hit the ground and a silence fell over them then they appeared back at the church.Evelyn sat there crying with Bryan in her arms and Sergio staring in disbelief finally said I'll take him to a hospital.When the doctor stepped out of the emergancy room he said that Bryan was barely still clinging to life and was in a deep sleep.A year later Bryan finaly woke up when he looked at his side he found Evelyn crying at his side whispering in between sobs why have...too...risks and... try to... be a...hero.Bryan smiled and said I told you I didnt want to lose you and I only try to be a hero to protect you.Evelyn slowly looked up and stared into Bryan's gleaming black eyes and Bryan stared back into her beutiful brown eyes almost mesmerised.Then out of nowhere Evelyn ended up huging Bryan and crying but Bryan was also crying asthough he had not seen her all his life
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remember that there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel and even in the heart of darkness there will always be a door to the light