Chapter One: Rescue
22:40, Mission Time 45:26. Regulator, Codename: SHADOWFIST
New York City, Bronx District
So close, the maws of the beast’s growl, screech, and laughter behind me, getting ever closer.
********, I can’t take them all on! WHERES THE DAMN BACKUP!
I push open a gate that happens to be in my way, it traps most of the monsters behind it, giving me a few precious seconds. I run into a nearby alley. Scrambling up the wall, I go into an abandoned apartment.
“********, guys, where’s the damn BACKUP” I quote, unquote “said” to my other Regulators. I can communicate telepathically, though it really doesn’t work when you’re running your a** off.
Sophie answered. Thank god, she has saved my a** more than anyone on the team. “I see the commotion, where are you?”
“In an apartment, I nee…Oh s**t!” I thought. One of the smaller demons worked its way up. Disgusting little b*****d. A worm like head, only I don’t think worms had sharp, needlelike teeth. The body was a cross between a spider and some sort of reptile, probably a snake. Whatever the ******** it was, it got cut neatly in half by my katana. Tons of yellow guts spilled from the creature as its body splattered to the ground below. Ew.
Running into the kitchen, I see an old HAM radio. No use, but since the demons have short as ******** attention spans, might as well listen to the news, or what’s left of it. Now its just a government emergency broadcast. Over, and over, and over it repeats. Same bullshit about how the government is “intervening”. When I heard it for the first time, I ******** laughed. Now it’s a testament to all the lives lost.
The door to the apartment flies open. My savior, Sophie, her black duster swirling behind her, her bow, Clairel, slung across her back. Her beautiful black hair mixed with a shy but stern face.
Don’t let the appearance fool you. She’s a ******** badass. I’ve seen her personally take down scores of demons with her bow. And let’s not get started on that knife of hers…
“If you don’t mind, Soph, I’d like to get out of here with my intestines still in me.” I said weakly, I was near the end of my endurance.
“Always counting on me to save your pathetic a** eh?” she replied. Her English accent gave the false impression of being civil mannered.
“Indeed, let’s get the ******** out of here, pardon my French” I grinned, and walked outside to the streets again.
Let me tell you. A world overrun by flesh-hungry demons isn’t a very nice place. Half the city was gutted by fire. Yankee Stadium, which we were near, is now a pile of rubble, for the most part. I saw what remained of the Empire State Building in the distance. Millions of lives, gone, in a galactic blink of an eye. The demons invaded not long ago, about 6 months, but already many humans were dying. The military could not stop them; modern bullet firing weapons have as much effect on a demon as shooting a spitball at a rhinoceros. You’re just going to get gored.
I have been alive for almost 1500 years now, and never had there been an invasion of this scale. The death, the blood. God, the BLOOD.
Sophie snapped me out of it. “Come on, our bird is going to arrive any second.” I nodded, and went to the most open area possible, Yankee Stadium.
Chapter Two: “Better and Better”
Yankee Stadium, once the home of a great baseball team and New York City tradition. Now a bombed out case of metal, plastic, and drywall. Still, it’s a great place to be picked up by.
“Wait, what are we being picked up by, Sophie?” I asked, noting the huge size of the stadium.
“You just have to wait and see.” she winked. I hate it when she leaves me out of things.
“Does it have to do with the huge shape in the clouds a hundred and twenty clicks away?”
She ginned devilishly. Suddenly, a screech came out of nowhere. On top of the bleachers stood a medium size demon, screaming for assistance. Answering calls came out from all about the city.
“This day keeps getting better and better.” I muttered, and was ready to kick some demon a**, for the fifth time tonight.
Regulator, Codename: JACK BE NIMBLE
Chez Acropolis, unmarked island off the coast of New York City.
My job isn’t that hard. Just slicing some demons, hacking a few computers. Nothing really happens here.
Chez Acropolis is the base Stefan built. Since demons cannot cross salt water, the Acropolis’s only enemies are Nature, maintenance, supplies, and the occasional raiding party.
Stefan and Sophie were out scouting in the Bronx last time I saw them. They should be back any time…
“Yo, Ally, check this out!” A voice called from the room behind my desk. Sighing, I left my post for a few seconds and checked in on Dale.
Dale, aka BLACKLIGHT, was our weapon-smith and our mechanic. Sure, we can’t use modern weapons, but we can drive cars, use gas-powered generators, cell phones, etc. We just have no use for most of them.
Dale held up an arrow. It was a pretty one, with a silver body and a menacing black tip.
“Yes, Dale, it’s an arrow. Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Not just an arrow, but a special kind. I’m sure Sophie will like it” He smiled. I knew Dale had a huge crush on Sophie. When he first saw her, I swear his ******** pants seemed 5 sizes too small. Disgusting, but I knew Sophie wouldn’t like the greasy-haired, dirty mechanic.
“Yes, well, I must monitor demon activity to the south, so I’ll see you later alright?”
Dale muttered something, and then started fixing a motorcycle Stefan busted. His excuse? “I thought it was amphibious.”
I looked back at the monitor and almost yelled. A HUGE contact was going into the city. To. The. Bronx.
“Holy s**t!”
Chapter Three: Green Eggs and Roc
“Uh, Sophie, maybe it’s a good time to GET THE ******** OUT OF HERE!” I yelled, looking in all directions, to see the approaching monstrosities.
“IM WORKING ON IT!!!!” She yelled back. She whistled sharply, and the giant shape came down on us.
I just stood there. The giant bird made quite an entrance. Some of the demons capable of flight started in after it, but with one swipe of a talon, it rained demon guts.
“Sophie, is that a ******** ROC!” I gaped. Creatures only in legend, I thought they all died out, like most mythical creatures.
She winked. The great bird lowered its wing, a golden-yellowish color. The tremendous size, good god the SIZE! A rumor that it could pick up elephants with its talons was entirely plausible at that moment.
Sophie hastened up the birds wing onto the spine. I jumped up soon after. The Roc shrieked, an awful, ear-blasting sound, and then flew back into the clouds.
“Where we goin’ Soph?” I asked, still quite amazed.
“Back to Chez Acropolis of course. God knows what happens when Dale and Ally are in the same sector as each other.” She laughed.
I laughed too, reclined on the birds back –there was plenty of room- and sought some much needed sleep.
“Did you find out what that thing was?” Sigorvis asked. Sigorvis was, humorous as it sounds, a mutated river otter. With a shotgun, with magic-laced shells that can hurt demons, she’s not an ideal thing to be messed with. Though she is technically an “it”, we refer her as a “she”.
“No, Sig. We think it’s a mythical creature of some kind. Possibly a Chimera.” I said.
“Or, possibly, a Roc?” Dale said. He reads too much of that “Arabian Nights” book.
“Well, Stefan and Sophie are sleeping, so Id assume it’s alright. Hey, that thing is coming back!” Sig said. It was true. The large bird-thing appeared on the motion detectors outside.
“We see Stefan and Sophie on the Roc’s back!” Someone shouted from outside. O’Ryan, the Irish cousin of Sophie. Annoying little bugger, but Sophie insisted on keeping him. He kept a good eye out for intruders, but was very obnoxious.
“Right, let’s see what they got for plans. No doubt they found something.” Sigorvis said, and turned to the window.
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Lord Forestheart
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"We are all human, but we're still animals"
"We are all human, but we're still animals"