Tek Tek Contests I've Won/Lost |
Tek Tek Contests I've won:
Tek Tek Contests I've been in: Who's Got Tek Tek Talent
Entries R1. Black and White  R2. Angelic/Demonic R3. Cosplay of yourself  R4. Strange Holiday - "National Sea Monkey Day"  R5. Ugly  R6. Floral  R7. Sins and Virtues // Wrath and Patience  //  R8. Tri-color // Red, Green, Pink 

Entries R1. Red & pink 
Tek Tek Contests I'm in now: The End Of Our Days
Entries R1. Before she was a pirate/backstory  story "The life of a street rat has it's up and downs" Kit mumurs to you. "It makes for more enjoyable grub when you can manage to find some hot bread and a slab of meat. Those other days, when the hunger sets in an you aint find but a sliver of old rot that not even a mongrel woud eat, they ain't so bad as long as you can keep yourself busy." She fiddles with her hair, brushing stay dirt and leaves out of it. "And at the very least," she says stroking the fur of her faithful companion, a small raggedy ferret, "I always have my mate Pockets here to keep me company."
"It wasn't always like this..." She starts to explain. "I wasn't always an orphan."
Kit was born Kiterina Königinburg, the daughter of Lord and Lady Von Königinburg of Surtsey. Her life should have been different, full of wealth, power and joy, however her fathers involvement in the political realm of Surtsey along with the cut throat and often lawless ways of the standing government officials ultimately brought turmoil to their family. One night as the Von Königinburgs were settling into bed, a loud banging commenced at their door. Lord Von Königinburg rose to see what the fuss was about, only to be attacked by what looked to be a street urchin. Lord Von Königinburg called out to his wife, but it was too late - he had been stabbed. The assailant then hurried to the bedroom and finished the job with Lady Von Königinburg. Upon hearing her parents struggle, Kiterina managed to escape out the window. She hid atop the roof of the next house over - watching silently through the window. She saw the assailant looking through her home - searching for her. She saw when the Kingsman came into the house, noted the dead bodies of her parents and handed the Street Urchin a sack of gold as payment.
Knowing the truth of her parents deaths, Kiterina realized that staying in Surtsey would be too dangerous for her. She fled east, towards the town of Prolix Purlieu, in search of a new life. What she found was more than she ever imagined. That first night when she arrived in Prolix Purlieu she entered a local Tavern - The Bilge Ratt. With no money, and nothing to barter she decided to try her luck anyway. She went up to the bar keep.
"Please Sir, I ain't got but the shirt on my back. But the thrist and hunger be unbearable. Would you be so kind as to lend me a glass?" The bar keep look at the disheveled girl in front of him. He let out a billowing laugh.
"Aye, I'll give you a glass - when you come back with something to offer!" he scowled at her.
Kiterina knew at that moment that she should have left, but with the events of her parents deaths still on her mind, along with the long and hard journey to Prolix Purlieu, she could no longer conatin her emotions, nor a rational thought. She waited until the barkeep turned his back and she lunged over the counter, seizing a half broken bottle. "Aye sir - I'll give you something all right, I'll give you your life if ye be so kind as to offer me what it is I need. A drink, grub and I'll be taking some of the gold that lines ye pocket. Simple as that and I shall be on my way."
The bar stood silent. The crowd caught in a long stare at the scene that is unfolding. And then from the back of the room, a loud boisterous laugh. A man stands, dressed in regal garb - his sword long and sharp glistening in his waist holster; his eyes with a twinkle in them. He crossed the room, heavy footed, causing the tables to vibrate as he decreases his distance between himself, Kiterina and the barman.
"Now now lassie, There be no need for that there. You look to be of too good of sorts for such a thing. Come - put down that there glass and pull up a seat. There be plenty to go around here." his breathy and soothing voice spoke.
"How do I know you aren't just yammering me? That ye be true to ye word?" Kiterina hissed through clenched teeth.
"That's easy," Says the large, bearded, giant of a man "I be Capt. Samuel Nutt Pugwash of the crew Full Moon Rising under the flag of
Excaliburs Wrath. I be a pirate missy. And if ye can't trust a pirate - well then ye can't trust anyone" he laughed.

Entries Mini Round - Use DJ's  R1.

Catch Of The Day
Entries R1. Must use item provided. (Pride of Hera)  R2. Colors - Brown & Orange Items - Golden Fleece, Frostbite Blade and D. Halo 

Teddy's Place
Entries R1. Masquerade.  R2. Animal Urges.  R3. Candy Sweet.  R4. Seven Deadly Sins.  R5. Special Item Challenge #1. 

GTO - Gaia's TekTek Olympics
Entries R1. Yourself  R2. King/Queen 

Tek Tek Contests I'm going to be in The Inferno Around The World Survivor: The AT
scromlette · Mon Nov 23, 2009 @ 08:08pm · 0 Comments |