Age: 7
Gender: Male
Bio: Kanaji lived in a simple village for the first six years of his life. Things had always been hard, but he thought that was how it was supposed to be. It didn't cross his mind that it was because of his parents and therefore what he was that the other children shirked away from him. Kanaji didn't mind much, he could build a sandcastle his own way on his own. His mother was an elf and his father a fox demon, a person not held in high esteem by the village, even considered a threat, though through no actions of his own.
When little Kanaji saw a movement in the hallway and went to investigate one night, he found strange men in his house. Before him his parents were brutally murdered. "Mother!" He screamed, and he spoke no more. The next week a passing traveler found him in the house alone and brought him to the orphanage.
Other: Kanaji has been deaf from birth, and now can't- or won't - speak. He has an alternate demonic form. Two oval-shaped metal acorns are all he carries with him.
Personality: Kanaji Komosukai is a curious child who loves to investigate. He is understandably quiet, since he doesn't speak and can't hear. Kanaji's favorite thing is company, but he usually finds himself sitting alone for hours at a time.
Appearance: Kanaji
Demon Appearance: The Side Reflected
Race: Demonic elf
Name: Eitri Demrovire
Age: immortal, appeares 26
Race: Hamadryad
Gender: Male
Bio: Waiting. Observing. Helping. Healing. Creating. Living. This is what Eitri does. He's always been in the forest. One day blends into the next as he keeps watch over the forest. Once he reached his thirtieth year of age, all of his memories not associated with helping the forest were wiped, including thoes of his clan, and he was sent out into the forest to live. Every fifty years or so, the same occurance takes place in Eitri. He never notices much change, though, since no one's ever come across him. He has no aquaintances that would make this mind-clearing a problem.
Other: His eyes have duo tones, one green and one yellow like changing leaves. Eitri has great skill in nature magycks.
Appearance: Guardian
Blade Eclipse Calamity
[Picture absent because of dumbass person on photobucket]
♥ ♥ ♥ Identification Please?
- The Name Is ••• Blade Calamity
But You Can Call Me ••• Blade, or 'that kid', I don't care
I'm A ••• guy
I've Been Alive ••• 17
Mark Your Calendars On ••• Friday, October 13
Kiss And Tell ••• gay
♥ ♥ ♥ Background Check!
- My Story Is ••• Blade was born into a family of four in what would be called the slums. He is the oldest of three children, and is constantly looking after them, checking up on bullies, making lunches... that sort of thing. His mom is an achoholic, that might be why he has such a weird name. Their house is rundown, but he does his best to keep it working right. Blade's father skipped out a little after he was born. He doesn't know why he came here, a friend told him he should. He may look uncaring, but it's really the exact opposite. He's also worried about his brother and sister while he is going to this place. Some people might think that living where he does is dangerous, and it is- but he's been there long enough that he's the smartest and the toughest. You don't want to get into a fight with this guy.
♥ ♥ ♥ Hate Me or Love Me
- You Can Say I'm ••• Quiet, reserved, somewhat morbid, keeps to himself.
♥ ♥ ♥ Makes My World Go 'Round
- The Person I Long For ••• None
Music To My Ears ••• Pain by Three Days Grace
The End <3
Character Name: Mingan Kiba
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: wolf
Weapons: teeth, claws, twin three-bladed daggers or staff when human
Appearance: Mingan Kiba
Wolf Form: Mingen {wolf form}
Personality: Mingan sits in the background, a wallflower, you might say, watching, waiting, gathering intelegence.... if there is something you want to know, Mingan is your man. He's not one to speak up, but he'll help you with anything you need.
Bio: Mingan is an orphan, has been since he was very young, but that doesn't matter much to him anymore- in his opinion, it made him a stronger man. He is wary of anything and everything, especially unprecedented or unprovoked kindness. He is in the top of his league when it comes to strategizing and gathering information, stealth operations... to him, life is really just one big mission- survive.
Extra: NA
Gaia Name: katana-ano
Character Name: Singan Kiba
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: wolf
Weapons: his mind, a katana, teethclaws
Appearance: Singan Kiba - [wolf form]
Personality: This is the guy that you don't want to meet in a dark alley. Singan has a harsh dark side to him that almost obscures the kind boy he used to be. Sneaky, underhanded, and cruel, the only thing he shares with his brother is his genetic roots and lethality.
Bio: Singan Kiba is one half of a set of twins, his brother being Mingan Kiba. When they were exiled, Singan sold info on his brother to stay in the elder's good graces and eventually turned into a kind of 'enforcer' for them. He harbors a grudge that boarders and sometimes exceeds an outright hate for Mingan. He blames his brother for the death of their parents, Takami and Nakato, and younger sister, Miaka.
Extra: Miaka - Nakato - Takami

My parents named:Damien Kantril
I blow out 19 candles on my cake.
I just love:
~ cool weather
~ birds
~ the color blue
I can't stand:
~ the color red
~ itchy, tight clothes
~ large dogs
I am a: elf
I was captured: His parents weren't particularly rich or poor. That is, until Damien's father gambled away what little they had. His mother went into service as a maid and his father cared for horses and coaches to pay off the debt. Being of little use, Damien usually wandered the streets, doing what odd jobs he could. Rarely did he see his parents, they were usually up before him and in bed later. One day he was just picked up from the house by a slave trader, a few siver coins left on the table. And, well, he's been a slave ever since. It was probably a load off his parent's minds with him gone, anyway, one less mouth to feed. His odd almost yellowish skin and blue hair has made him a kind of 'exotic' good in the market, but not one often bought.
The number on my earings: 486

My parents named: Sindri Rin
I blow out 25 candles on my cake.
I just love:
+ my oak tree
+ fine clothes
+ cleanliness
I can't stand:
- thieves
- deforesters
- filth
I am a: Hamadryad
I am the 3 richest person
I was born: Sindri wasn’t born particularly rich, his parents were just starting to reach that particular part of the economic ladder at that time. Soon, however, before he was old enough to be able to remember it, they were abound in money. Nothing was too fine for their little boy. His father was content to retire at that moment and squander the money on just about anything, but Sindri's mother had come from a different background. Not wanting her son to be screwed over like an idiot, she taught him about the world and how people worked.
She taught him about savings and sharing, political standings and slaves. Slaves were the idea that most interested him, being as his mother was one to begin with. Staying in one place bored Sindri, and soon after his 18 birthday he uprooted his tree and began to travel around the world. He gleaned much knowledge in his travels, both about different cultures and himself. A Hawk seems to follow him wherever he traverses.
The soul inside this body: katana-ano
Username: katana-ano
Name:Sanyao Tandeo
Age: 46
Gender: male
Race: wolf
Sexuality: Straight
Brief Bio: Sanyao hasn't exactly been around a long time, but he's been around long enough to know that he despises the humans. The vile bipeds are poisioning the planet with every exhale, deforesting the homes of the animals. He could tell you stories that would make your skin crawl about the humans.
Appearance: [ S a n y a o ]
Username: katana-ano
Name: Tiaka Tandeo
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: wolf
Sexuality: straight
Brief Bio: Tiaka joined ranks with Sanyao soon after he escaped the final time from the humans who had captured him to begin with. Before that, she wandered the forest independantly, living in the moment. For the most part she's easygoing and accepts most anything, once given good proof of it. Until then, she'll be wary to an almost infuriating point. Tiaka watches out for Sanyao almost as much as he does for her, keeping him calm and reminding him to do important things, like eat and rest.
Appearance: [ T i a k a ]
Username: katana-ano
Character name: Ariti Anodan
Race: elven
Age: 19
Abilities: Electrokinesis
Orientation: Straight
Bio: Ariti has admittedly had some trouble staying in one place in the past. Well, actually, he's never managed to last five months anywhere but a forest. It's usually because of the fights that seem to follow him like the plague... and then the villagespeople who run him from the town when he accidentially kills his opponents. The man always carries a black and cane to try to appear as if he were normal, but it's hard to keep that up when someone's punching at your face. He's hoping that this place might be slightly safer than the last few villages.
Photo: [ A r i t i ]
Anything extra: Blind
Username: katana-ano
Name: William Calamity
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Power: Electroknesis
Weapon: Twin daggers
City: underworld
Position: Uke
Personality: Quiet and observant, often shy. He picks his battles wisely but won't hesitate to help someone out.
Description: William
Other: N/A
(see A Rose By Any Other Name for a better look at how Willy is... preferrably some of his later posts)
Character Name: Kantri Quinlu
Gender: female
Age: 135
Race: sea elf/drow
Appearance: [ K a n t r i ]
Do you want to return to Dysmentia?: no
Personality: She has some definate quirks in her personality, but a rare few have actualy seen them... and they've all turned up dead. Kantri is a general observer more than one to immeadiately take action. She'd sit back and evaluate the situation beofre joining the fight rather than immeadiately jump in. Of course the situation might change with someone she cared about... but that just doesn't happen. If you hapen to frequent her path often enough, Kantri can suprise you with information that you didn't think anyone knew, let alone this girl you hardly spoke to, but that's just her nature. You'd be surprised what you could learn by just watching people.
Bio: Parents dead, relatives dead, siblings dead. The basic sob story, boo hoo. Take the right approach, and it can make you a stronger person. Well, at least that's what Kantri tells herself. She manages to keep it out of her mind almost constantly, and finds something consuming to do when the memories threaten to resurface. She actually was a traitor, in some sense, but has been looking for a way out of that city for years. The girl has picked up a few tricks in her years, but unfortunately can't remember half of them. The first fifty years or so of her life is a nice flat gray blank. Not that it really bothers her much, but the odd sense of Deja vu that sometimes occurs can be disorienting and annoying.
Kantri's the kind of girl to watch you for two days and, on the third day, hide in a tree you frequently pass underneath and drop something to kill you- dagger, bomb, magic, whatever- rather than just rush in and try the hand-to-hand.
Likes: water, being free of Dysmentia, night skies
Dislikes: gullibleinnocent people, large fires, bright sun
Stregnths: She's good at stealth, but wether that's her drow background or just her personality is a mystery. Kantri also has some control over water, her favorite move a kind of whip.
Weaknesses: Rather weak bright, direct sunlight; has a problem with relationships. Doesn't get attached easily, but finds it hard to act against the people she is when it's needed.
Name: Ruai Tyrzea
Age: 17
Race: Elven
Appearance: [ R u a i ]
Bio: Ruai's been in and out of too many 'homes' to count. See, there's a slight problem, with most of his masters dying... because of the 'monsters' that only he sees. Ruai has been traditionally used as a paige of sorts, a protector and assistant for travelers and fighters. Aparently this 'Lotus Rain Trading Company' hadn't heard of his reputation, or they wouldn't have 'chosen' him to be part of their first batch of 'goods'.
Likes: Dark spaces
Dislikes: Bright Light
Powers or Abilities? Electroknesis
Name: Riin Saraf
Age: 21
Race: Hamadryad
Appearance: [ R i i n ]
Bio: Riin's never been the most sociable in the goup, tending to rather spend time in the forest with his tree than with other people. Due to this lack of social interaction, the hamadryad tends to be quite shy and wary. He's tired of being alone, wishing for some companionable life besides the forest.
Likes: warm days, nature
Dislikes: winter, being alone
Powers or Abilities? some nature magic, given his lineage