This is about Viper Hoshigo and her siblings^^

This is Keith Line, but now known as Keith Hoshigo. He is Viper's newly found oldest brother. He likes to joke around with his little sisters but can be very protective.

This is Alexender(Alex). He can make almost anyone smile and loves giving hugs^^

Andrew is the only one out of the four brothers that can act very emo at times.(he doesn't have feather wings)

Finally its Kuro^^ He is also one of Vipers newly found brothers. The sad part for her is that he is her life mate.
(The triplets i do not have a pic of them all together so ill just have to put them nxt to each other)

Viper, she ment be a triplet be she keeps her hair and look in so many styles that she never looks like her sisters.

Miyu and Vapor are the ones that look alike more^^



and finally Komichi, she is the newest of the family