Djlanfull Rayne and Divine I mean....Rayne seems like.....she scares me....and so does divine but Divine scares me more....now amplify that x5 in a manga where I'm included....being locked in a room with those two....I wont survive a minute...they wont touch me...but I'll just dehydrate due to tears.
Better Gaia Chatline DjSamyBaby: i see bloody sperms flying all over my pages >:I Pudding Disaster: @_@ They're vials. Nights Owl: .-.ll This is all disturbing me DjSamyBaby: i know, but still >:I Nights Owl: Just deal with it .-. Pudding Disaster: I'm sorry, but I don't see how the hell people think it's sperm. @__@' Cruciarius: Then take a break. Nights Owl: Lmao me neither Cruciarius: What? The tampons? Nights Owl: *head desk*
Kats Kokeshi Doll If you're going to even think about cybering, Lord have mercy on your soul. D:<
Suicide Circle Dear McDonalds, how dare you sell your tasty burgers and fries for a profit. Using your company as a money making scheme is extremely wrong. I demand you start giving out food for free and rely on the Keebler Elves to manufacture finances for you. If said elves don't create enough money in their tree to keep you and your business afloat, well, you just don't deserve to be in business anymore. neutral *About Gaia making a Jonny K Gambino item in the CS after his death and a member telling Gaia that they are not their own money making machine rofl *
zCB SolarInvictus - Taking a crap is a long complicated process Valheita - You should probably see a doctor about that. o.o SolarInvictus - Hey, you list all the functions your food has to go through before becoming crap, and then tell me it isn't complicated. Dystopian Lover - *gigglesnorts*
Mesmerizing Notes About the new My Gaia page? I mean I'm assuming (and I'm probably wrong) That the reason they changed the My gaia page was to make us like it more. Well, I have to be perfectly honest, this gave me like......a backwards erection. Yes. Its so terrible my Phallus went and ran up my stomach, so thanks for disabling my children gaia But In all seriousness (yes I can still have babies and my phallus is fine) Can we have a vote in what you change next time you decide to update anything?
Rayne Bloodstone rofl That's what she said!
That one night Am I the only one scared to see Rayne and Shae go at it? It's also kind of exciting. <.< Divine_Malevolence ....... Well, I'm really only frightened of them joining forces.
How frikkin' dare anyone out there make fun of Rayne after all she has been through!
She lost her tablet, she went through a computer motherboard cut. She had one frikkin' thunderstorm.
Her boyfriend turned out to be a crappy messenger, a cheater *in games, k?*, and now she's going through a new software. All you people care about is….. arts and making arts off of her.
SHE’S A HUMAN! (ah! ooh!) What you don’t realise is that Rayne is making you all this art and all you do is write a bunch of crap about her.
She hasn’t performed on stage in years. Her art shop is called “Rayne's Artshop” for a reason because all you people want is MORE! MORE-MORE, MORE: MORE!.
LEAVE HER ALONE! You are lucky she even performed for you BASTARDS! LEAVE RAYNE ALONE!…..Please.
Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Rayne was a professional she would’ve pulled it off no matter what.
Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.
Leave Rayne Alone Please…. ! Leave RAYNE BLOODSTONE alone!…right now!….I mean it.!
Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.
Peoplers Cata - Sexy, awesome, incredibly brillant, a wonderful friend and always so nice and helpful Ray - Lovely, kind, helpful, AMAZING ARTIST! What would we do without you? Cho - Always a kind word for everyone, and helpful and listens to people Solar - YOU ARE LOVELY *glomps* also your glomp war with Kam amuses me Maris - A god amongst people Haze - You are truly a great and good person Xiam - also kinda a wonderful but also incredibly amusing
Rayne Bloodstone · Wed Nov 04, 2009 @ 11:33pm · 1 Comments |