Meditation for 11/2 - No reversals
That which signifies my meditation - Death/Transformation
That which covers - King of Wands
That which crosses - Ace of cups
That which is above me - 4 of Swords
That which is below me - 7 of Swords
That which is behind me - The Hierophant
That which is before me - Queen of Wands
That which states my persona, my attitude - 6 of Cups
That which surrounds me - Page of Cups (my previous meditation's significator)
That which embodies my hopes and fears - 4 of Pentacles
That which may lay ahead as outcome - Queen of Swords
i chose Death because i'm stuck in a rut and want to end this cycle. Something to renew and transform what i have. The central issue seems to be that of establishing oneself and trying to be creative. The Ace of Cups depicts overflowing ... something. Emotions? Love? Dreams? But why does it cross? Does that mean i need to be more open?
Greer gives "respite" and "meditation" as two good meanings for the 4 of swords. Perhaps i may want to take some time out of the stress to see what i can do. What is below me - the foundation - is someone stealing swords. Perhaps gathering up what i can for knowledge? Perhaps a preparation for something ahead.
The Hierophant and his orthodoxy is behind me. Though he dogs me - i love the structure of his orthodox manner but i'm growing beyond his doctrine. i needed out. Perhaps i can utilize my creative energies now?
My persona and attitude is friendly. Generous nature. Though a calmer antiquity, not something i'd necessarily call old orthodoxy, which has too much restriction. My environs and influence (Page of Cups) allows for more open relationships and, perhaps, more opportunities to take risks, even with love. My worries and hopes have a doubled meaning, sadly. The merchant wishes to hoard his coin, but that atop his head will be lost - and what point is there to stamp on one's money as if doing so will secure my end? But that's what i want - security, but not restricted in such. I want to protect what I have
In the end - i must intelligently use my skills. Think critically, don't use bullshit, think outside the box. Make my point and don't be too elegant.
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