The gang I thought I might introduce some of the Crazy T's I'll add more when I get they're pics but these are the most important ones
 this is the one the only THAD!!! (short for Thaddius) Also known as the Jay Adams of the southwest, Tate, and BagBoy! He's going to be my best man at my wedding and has been a true friend through-and-through.
 This is the undispensible Trevor a manly man who is a lady charmer and...*looks at pic* oh wait forgot which Trev I was talking about heh... Trevs probably my first friend and has been a good and true one at that. He's really skitish around the ladies (after having his heart yanked around by a she-devil poor guy) but we try to help him in his persuit for a girl who wont play with his heart. btw if you're wondering in the pic he just strained his groin (OI!)
 This is the brave and noble Buddy he's not with us anymore but he was the best friend anyone could ever ask for *sniff*
 This is me the leader of the T's my men call me Trigger and my friends call me Kyle. I'm the Wes Humpston of the southwest and a sexy studmuffin! If you're looking through my journal you probably know all about me so I wont say much...
Well thats the crew and remember they're all single so PM me if you want to meet any of them... excpet for me I'm taken sry ladies wink
Hexatone- · Wed Jan 18, 2006 @ 04:20am · 5 Comments |