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Deidaran's cosy corner uhm. Well. This is my space. Enjoy! You'll read about random things that I'll decide to write about...and...thats it! :'D

Community Member
Muse playing at Hovet, Stockholm 2009...OMG!!!
I say it again: OMG!!! I actually was there! It was the best night of my life and it was...perfect! The first song that they played was Exogeneisis part 1: overture and it! 8'D the following songs they played was:

New Born
Map of the Problematique
Supermassive Black Hole
Guiding Light
United States of Eurasia
Undisclosed Desires
Plug In Baby
Time is Running Out
Unnatural Selection
Stockholm Syndrome

and the last one was Knights of Cydonia ♥

The 19 songs they played were pure magic, and Muse did, as allways, nothing but the best. The singer Matthew Ballamy made me dizzy with his amazing vaoice and guitarr skills. Dominiqe Howard allways makes me smile and the bassist Christopher Wolstenholm knows how to play bass! And Matt surprised uss all by saying "tack så mycket" (wich meand "thank you very much" wink on a rather poor Swedish, wich made evryone scream eaven more than before. And when the last song was played, Dom threw away his drummsticks, wich caused total chaos when the fans tried to be the one who would get them.

Under the consert I looked down on the people next to the scene; they were constantly bringing out unconscious fans.

I relly can't explain the feeling that a felt during the consert. And if you would ask be if it was good or not, I would reply: "Look at my hands.", Cuz they were red and swollen from clapping my hands constantly, and verry verry energic.

//Deidaran - a verry happy girl who loves Muse

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