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"Now I want you to take a good look at this. You see? Melted clean off the hinges. And you, you blithering idiot, you want me to go in there and make nice with it?! No. No, I'm going back outside and in a couple years I'll come back for whatever's left of you. Good day, sir,"
In Brief
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Name: Alexandra Bounder
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _AKA: Check, Checkers
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Sex: Female
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Age: 20-ish
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Race: Human?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Height: 5'4"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Build:Average- Toned
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Hair: Black/Green
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Eyes: Green
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Plot line: TheRiot
Originally from somewhere in the UK, Check is a sarcastic, bitter, stereotype that serves as a foil to Ben's wacky optimism. Despite having no interest in the paranormal, she's not only working at a supernatural tabloid, she's also Ben's unofficial partner, bringing justice to the justiceless. She's also great friends with his sister and is a terrible driver.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!]Body
- Build: Check is of average height with a fairly average build, some muscle tone. Her chest is fairly, shallwesay, expansive. But not overly so.
- She's white. Like really pale, sometimes with a bit of grey or yellowish tinting.
- Face: Her face is rounded, with small eyes and dark circles below them. Said eyes are a vivid lime green. She usually wears heavy, bruise purple eyeshadow and green, purple, or black lipstick.
- Default Expression: Frowning, scowling, generally irritated.
- Piercings: Three in her right ear (assuming Check's POV) and one in her left. Usually, she sports studs, small plastic hoops, or skulls in black, purple, or silver.
- Hair: She has stringy black hair that she tends to streak or dye shades of green. She wears it cut roughly at chin level, and parts it down the middle with a long set of bangs that range from eyebrow to cheek level. It's usually somewhat wavy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!]Clothing
- Check likes a lot of variety in her wardrobe.
- She's a heavy smoker. She always either has a cigarette in her mouth or in her hand.
- In general, she prefers punk and gothic, mostly black clothing with purple, grey and/or green highlights.
- Tops: Likes both corsetts and Tshirts, depending on the situation. Does not like coats, hoodies or long sleeves.
- Lower: Tripp pants. Google any pair you want, change the colour scheme to purple, black and green, and have a go. She loathes tight pants, shorts, and skirts.
- Accessories: Four earrings (see above), gloves of some kind.
- Shoes: Lace-up black boots, some times fancies a short wedge heel.
- Default Outfit: Basically, just the picture above. A green and purple corset, matching elbow gloves, black Tripp pants with purple highlights and green inlay, black wedge heel boots, choker, and earrings.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!]Options
- Weapons: Lances, swords, and spears are some ideas. She's handier with older weapons.
- Other acessories: Try to throw in at least one choker, bracelet, necklace, etc. Some chains on the pants are alright.
- 8D; That's all I got.
Other Info
- Check dresses like a rebel, but at heart she's a very cynical, very cowardly Briton whose job it usually is to drive the car and save the day. She says it's all just pragmatism, really.
- Despite the name, Checkers looooaaaatheess wearing checkered patterns. Do not want.
- Pose Ideas: Having a smoke and leaning against a wall to keep watch, folding her arms, indicating a threat, slinking away from a fight, fighting and being totally bad a**.
- Ben isn't Check's boyfriend; just her begrudgingly good friend. The two are constantly forced to rely on each other in dangerous situations, exactly the sort of thing she'd rather not be doing. Nine days out of ten she's stuck berating or snarking at Ben, but he forgives her because he doesn't care. If you'd like to draw them together, you'd have my undying affection .w.
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