Ohh wow..
I feel comme des milliers de tonnes de la douleur sont sur mon dos.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
I'm just stupid and immature.
I know!
I'm just a little kid, and he's all grown up and has a job and goes to college and everything.
Hell I haven't even picked out a career let alone had a normal job!
Mikey's photography doesn't count.
I was never yelled at, I didn't get paid.
It was more like fun.
And I don't think volunteer work counts.
I don't have to pay the bills, or buy the clothes on my back, or any of that stuff.
I'm still a child.
A spoiled little brat.
Je n'aime pas ce que j'ai fait.
And I am truly, sincerely sorry.
I love you.
You know that...

I feel comme des milliers de tonnes de la douleur sont sur mon dos.
I didn't mean to hurt him.
I'm just stupid and immature.
I know!
I'm just a little kid, and he's all grown up and has a job and goes to college and everything.
Hell I haven't even picked out a career let alone had a normal job!
Mikey's photography doesn't count.
I was never yelled at, I didn't get paid.
It was more like fun.
And I don't think volunteer work counts.
I don't have to pay the bills, or buy the clothes on my back, or any of that stuff.
I'm still a child.
A spoiled little brat.
Je n'aime pas ce que j'ai fait.
And I am truly, sincerely sorry.
I love you.
You know that...