-Female AVIS-

Radio Mouse || The Kong Sang || Screw You || Not Quite Evil
These are "Go Freakin' Creative" avis - meaning you can draw them however you like! Sexy, cute, attitude-like, cheeky, sad, whatever suits your fancy these gals are yours. Feel free to take some liberty with the clothing (save for The Kong Sang - the Kong Sang scarf kinda has to be there...), and have fun!

The University Student
While I don't smoke, this avi certainly does. If you could draw her lighting up, that'd be amazing! The bags under the eyes are a must, simply because, well, she wouldn't be much of a University Student without 'em. Her personality is mainly "bugger off, mister" but she can be a mischievous little devil with a cheeky smile.

The Fighter
This is another "almost Go Freakin' Creative" avi. The only thing to keep in mind with this one is that she's a fighter, quiet and generally reserved. You can make her smexy or cute, but she'll be really shy about it. Though fist-fighting poses are luff as well. :3

I Licorice Tea I
Licorice Tea is my vending mule on this site. She's a "Go Freakin' Creative" avi to the max - cute, smexy, angry, whatever suits your fancy.
Additional ref: x

Bahn Hammur Mouse
She's a "Go Freakin' Creative" avi - just keep in mind she's another "missy pissy" with her fair share of bad days. She's the character I use for planning out my comics making fun of the grammar and general lack of literacy errors I find in the WF and around the net. The horns and bandanna are optional, but the Hammur is required.
Additional refs: x(more may come)
-Male AVIS-

My zOMG mule. A "Go Freakin' Creative" avi - feel more than free to smex him up accordingly. >w<
Additional ref: x

My art auction mule. You may have noticed him if you frequent the art auction threads - this is his look for when he's not hosting an auction or when he's hosting a "no theme" or "original character" auction. Smexyness encouraged. >w<
Additional ref pic may come if I get around to it.
-Couple/Group AVIS-
If you're feeling up to it/particularly generous/intensely bored, I would love couple art of Bahn Hammur Mouse and either of the boys.
Or, a group shot of Bahn Hammur Mouse and any combo of my mules (Licorice Tea, Roqshark or I AM THE AUCTION!)

Thank You, Secret Santa~!