Halloween >=)
it's the time of year again!
i love holloween.
Scary stories ,scarin' little kids
it's just so fun!
The reson i love holloween
cause we get to be somebody we aren't .
Time for monsters vampires zombies
and other things like that to roam the earth
and of course GET CANDY!
(I can already feel my mouth water)
Fall is the best season ever!Don't you agree?
Even if it rains I will be out side knocking on poeples doors and give them a scrawl!
I'm not ganna smile and say
"trick or treat!Give me something good to eat!"
I'm ganna say:
"I Have come for CANDY!"
but aren't I a little to old for that?
my answer:
so i bid all the poeple in gaia a happy halloween >=)
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living life with out a clue yea...
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Nuff said CB][/color:e702548bfe][/size:e702548bfe][/align:e702548bfe]
Nuff said CB][/color:e702548bfe][/size:e702548bfe][/align:e702548bfe]