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hello everybody my name is Kalvin Owens and i am 12 years old. im new here.

King Kalvin_21
Community Member
"Yes it's true, I messed up,"i said as i walked out the door. "I don't get it though. How do u mess up killing someone?" Jay asked when we got into the car. I started the engine and backed out of the parking space. When I turned onto the road i looked at him. "Trust me it was a mistake....well a murder that went wrong would describe it better," I finally replied. Jay just stared out the car window, fading into wildily vivid fantasys about what happened that day. I'm just glad to be alive and out of Mexico. As we pulled into my garage i saw a dark shadowy figure on the wall. "hey stop daydreaming and look at that,"i said pointing at the figure on the wall. He shook his head to me and grunted something under his breathe. The figure turned into the form of a deformed clown. "Kalvin...Kalvin! Get over here its me Jeffery," the clown said. Wow thats werid for him why didnt he just pop up as normal...well Jeffery was never normal. "Yes Jeffery?" i questioned him or the clown thing. "Hey do me a favor, turn around because I didnt pay you back any of the money i owed that i owed you before i died, so here it is,"The clown figure said. Wow I'm surprised that he going to give me all the money he owes me! I did a total 540 and looked in front of me. It wasnt a stack of money,or a penny. Standing there in front of me was a blast from the past. It was my friend Eric Poels. "Eric.....Buddy! Your back,thanks Jeffery!"Hahaha! Looks like my work here is done," he said. "dude welcome back to the earth," I said. He was just smiling from ear to ear. "Thanks dude. You were right growing your skin back does hurt like a son of a gun!" Eric said

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