He's a stand up comedian, and man oh man, he is so good. xD
I have 42 of his comedies on my iPod, lol

OOOOHHH! That tire, just, hit that woman, in the, in the FACE!
There can only be ONE Highlander! TIRES cannot defeat me!
I don't wanna die from a tire hitting me in the god damn face.
"I'm gonna dive into the deep end! Watch my dive, watch my dive!" And the second your feet touches the bottom of the pool, your like..
Jesus Christ, Timmy! Do not float above me when I'm dying in the abyss. Float away from me, float away.
OOOH! I hate steam! Whoever invented steam sucks.
Uhh! God damn sand missile just blew up in my eye! The Movie DUNE is in my chocolatey drink.
Remember those Koolaid commercials? Him and his crazy tights... I don't like it when JUICE wears tights. Its a HORRIBLE combination! A bowl of Juice.. wearing tights.
No no no. You FIX that wall before my dad gets home from work. He's gonna beat me with a belt, he's not gonna believe a talking bowl of fruit punch came in here. You stupid idiot. YEAH! Coming through the wall is real cool! Using the front door is cool. Don't touch me, you drink! Don't touch me, you giant beverage.You are sweating or condensating. I will kick you in the tights, and you will go down, your very top heavy.
Oh no. Naughty, naughty Koolaid.
I'm late for wor--, what I hate! Eurgh, just eurgh. With, with a side of eurgh.
If you have to be at work at 8:00, its always, like 7:54. Just enough time, to do nothing! Your lying in bed, staring at the clock, screaming at yourself.
"I-I.. I can't do anything! I don't even have enough time to eat an English.. muffin! What do I do?"
"Your the new manager. Be in here by 8:30, open the store by 9:00" So I go to bed that night, and I go to sleep.. And then all of a sudden, I wake up.
"I'm late! I'm late, I'm late! Wait, wait. Maybe I'm not"
I look at the clock. And its 1:45.........................
In the AFTERNOON, baby.