[ღ]Vladamir Solovievich[ღ]
ღ The basics:

[ღ] >> I look like this:
[ღ] >> My mother gave me this long name: Vladamir Solovievich
[ღ] >> But you may also call me: Vee, Dami, Vlad
[ღ] >> It's rude to ask you know: 19
[ღ] >> The date of my birth is: 1/17/1991
[ღ] >> I step on the scale and I see....: 210lbs[ღ] >> I mark the wall and I see.....: 5'11''
ღ The story:
[ღ] >> I don't know my parent's but I know mine: Dami was born in Moscow, Russia on January 17th, 1991. He was always in awe of the beauty of his country, despite it's rough history and government, having been communist. His parents were of the upper middle class, sending him to good school and becoming educated. Their wish was for him to go to an American school, which he did, applying to Cornell. He majored in geography, learning about the people of the world and how the terrain around them affected their lifestyles. After his first year he went to board with several other teenagers, and that is where you find Dami now.
ღ The facts:
[ღ] >>No one is like me: Dami is a fairly upbeat person, and willing to talk about most everything. People sometimes call him a renaissance man, since he knows a little bit about most everything. He absorbs information like a sponge. However for the msot part he listens. Normally quite serious and cryptic, Dami is also quite obsessive over how things should be.
[ღ] >>My likes are what you give me:
~Warm Cookies~
[ღ] >>My hates are what you keep away:
~Most cats~
~Weather over 90degrees Fahrenheit~
[ღ] >>Shhh it's a secret please don't tell!: When Dami was but a young child, his family was involved in a fire. Vladamir was caught inside, and when he was carried out, he had several burns and his lungs were damaged. Oddly, when he burns healed it left behind incredibly smooth skin, especially his hands, and they appear as they had before the incident. As for his lungs, Dami was almost an always present cough. He takes medication to keep it from getting worse. Because of this, Dami is now terribly afraid of fire and wont have anything to do with it, although he would never admit it.
[ღ] >>I dance to this and I hope you do too: Fly Away Home
[ღ] >>Did I forget anything?: Dami does not play piano really well, he is just fascinated by the beautiful noise it makes.
[ღ] >> Hey you hear that? It's coming from my head I think: Wings of Hindrence RP