I’m at my grandparent’s house and I had just woken up. I walk out into the back yard and around the corner to some picnic thing. I stand there wondering who put it here then all of the sudden I feel a presence. A bad presence. But I have no idea what it means or who it is. I head back into the house half expecting someone to pop out, but of course no one does. I’m just paranoid that’s it. I walk into the living room which was full of people. People I knew. People I didn’t. Just people. As I made my way through them and into the kitchen I see my whole family. Sitting around the table acting like nothing was happening around them and I was even there. So I walk out to the backyard pissed off. I look up and instead of an empty backyard and pool it full with more and more people. I see my brother and sister and ask them what’s going on. My sister quietly whispers to me to not jump in the water. I look at the water and it suddenly turned blood red. Taking two steps back I ask what the hell happened. All she did was point to a guy holding infants upsides down in the water. I walked slowly over to him shocked at what I was seeing. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, “You are so ******** disgusting! How the hell could someone do that to a thing so helpless and enjoy it?” He gave me a wicked smile and laughed an ugly evil laugh that made my skin crawl. “What would you do to me if I kicked you in your face? Would you drown me too?” His eyes widened then he spoke, “If you kicked me in the face sweetie, then I’m going to follow you where ever you go and I’m going to force you down, rape you. That scared the s**t out of me so I just backed away and started walking in towards the house. After making my way back through all of the unwanted people I looked back the way I came and saw *him* standing not far from me as if following me. Thinking to myself ‘what the hell I didn’t even do anything to him, just asked a simple question, he’s probably just trying to scare me.’ But when I looked back again he had his knife out. Running as fast as I could I got to the bathroom and locked the door. Just when I thought I was safe I turn around to be face to face with my worst nightmare. He grabbed my arms tight so I couldn’t fight and when I tried to wiggle my way out of his grip he hit me and tightened his hold. After about the third time of trying to get out he takes out his knife and cuts my left arm from the top of my shoulder all the way down to the tip of my middle finger. As I let out a choked scream and turn my head away so I couldn’t see the blood dripping on the floor. He laughed with pleasure then striped me naked. When I thought that he was going to rape me as if I had really kicked his face he cuts my right arm the same as my left. Then getting down on his knees he stabs the top of my thigh causing me to fall down in excruciating pain. Taking the knife out just to cut the rest of my leg like my arm then do the same to the other leg and sit there laughing in joy. After sitting there for about 5 minutes just watching me cry he gets up locks the door and leaves me there. The next thing I know I’m waking up in the hospital and my boyfriend is on the side of the bed holding my hand holding back tears. I try to say something but at that exact moment a nurse walks in to see that I’m awake and gives me pain medication. I lay there and I trying to stay awake I don’t want to go to sleep just yet I want to stay and talk to him and hear his sweet voice. The last thing I hear is ‘go to sleep baby, I’ll be here when you wake up’. In the middle of the night I wake up and I’m sweating and my head is pounding. A nurse comes in and asks what’s wrong. I’ve been dreaming about what happened to me and my head hurts so badly. I was scheduled to see a head doctor the next day because of constant headaches. The nurse simply gives me more medicine and says that she’ll call the doctor and have him come here tomorrow. I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next day the doctor is setting up all his stuff. ‘I’m glad you are up I have to run some tests then you have to come with me to get your brain examined’. I follow him when he was down with his tests and lie down on bed thing and let them do the x-ray. After sitting in my room for about 3 hours talking to my boyfriend about how things were going, the doctor comes in with the results of my test. It’s the worse news that I could’ve possibly heard at that moment. “You have a cancer tumor on your brain. It is very small and at a young age so surgery will cure you for sure. After surgery you will have to go through kemo therapy. You won’t be able to go back to school until after Christmas break, I’m sure you’re teachers will send you the work.” As I lay there tears running down my face I think to myself ‘at least this is the worse it can get’. My mom and dad come into my room had just heard the news and are worriedly asking questions. Slowly I drift back to sleep.
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This chic is the best thing to happen to music, check her out, rate up her video, and comment on how she did biggrin thank you <3