Age: Thirteen


Also always has her wolf, Toboe.

She wears the same gray coat with the black fur that Kiba wears.
Personality: Quiet is how she seems at first is how he seems, but after you bother her dark and mean is how Hikari seems. Most, instead of calling her Hikari call her Rin. Under all of that she is wise and somewhat conciderate, but no one ever knows that because they don't take the time to get to know her.
Bio: Hikari was the last of Tsume Inuzuka's family. She oddly enough, inherited all of her looks, quite often she is called Tsume, though she is Hikari. Also, a few of her siblings have called her mom before.
When she gradutated from the ninja academy she had attempted to use dual peircing fang with Toboe, but so she could not do. In an attempt to get her to learn it Tsume sent Hikari off to the summer school to try and get down the teqnique. Little did she know as to who was going to be there.
Likes: Rock music, Darkness, animals, her wolf Toboe (Howling), Music, Nature, Running, Battling.
Dislikes: Preps, Children, Annoying people, Stuck up people, Country music, and the
Kekai Genkai: No one knows what Hikari's is suposed to be, for she can't use it. Ever since she was younger she had tried to use the Inuzuka's Kenkai genkai, but nothing ever happened. She should be able to use the dual peircing fang tequnique, but can not.
Sexuality: Strait
Crush: None...
Side: Unsure as of now, but who knows, maybe someone will change her mind.
Username: Princess_sakura_Flower